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5 Factors to Help You Choose the Platform for Your Education Fundraising

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    Factors to Choose for Education Fundraising Platform

    Education crowdfunding is a term that most people are unaware of.

    Wondering what education crowdfunding or fundraising is? Education crowdfunding is an activity of collecting money from various sources to support a noble cause in the field of education.

    Often people fail to receive scholarships for their higher studies, or parents are unable to provide good education to their kids due to a lack of finances or organizations which aim to provide a hygienic and state-of-the-art infrastructure for the kids are unable to do so. This is where we can raise funds with the help of education fundraising.

    These situations are eligible for raising money through a crowdfunding platform. But the real question is, how do we choose a crowdfunding platform for education fundraising? Crowdfunding is a process of raising funds that have saved the lives of millions of people around the world and fulfilling the dreams of many others.

    Here are the top 5 factors that will help narrow down the choices and start crowdfunding for education:

    1. Look out for fundraising platform with faster payouts

    Find an education fundraising platform that doesn’t lock up donations. The payouts i.e. the money raised should be conveniently withdrawn without any hassle. A good crowdfunding platform also allows the person to withdraw the funds at any point during the fundraiser. We don’t necessarily have to wait till all the funds are collected.

    This provides a sense of assurance to the campaign owner. Also, the easy withdrawal process instantly transfers the raised money directly to the bank account.

    2. Round-the-clock customer support

    Education fundraising is a new concept for some people and will need help at some point in time to understand it.

    When raising funds, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration like the purpose of fundraising, uploading necessary documents that make our fundraising genuine and we may also have to ask for funds with the help of a video. Stats says crowdfunding campaigns accompanied with personal videos raise 105% more than those without. This ensures the need to have a good personal video of the campaign that focuses on the motive of fundraising and its urgency. Furthermore, shorter campaigns tend to collect money faster than those longer than 40 days. However, it also depends on the amount of money to be raised.

    All of this is not possible without good customer support from the platform. Find a fundraising platform that provides 24/7 support through live chat, WhatsApp, email, SMS and call. We can create an education crowdfunding campaign at Ketto to ensure the same; as Ketto helps in educating India through crowdfunding.

    3. Accepts donations from various payment methods

    The supporters are more likely to bounce back and close the window if they do not find the deposit method of their choice. For better conversion on fundraising sites, it is important to have multiple deposit options.

    The more payment methods are accepted at a fundraising platform, the better the chances of receiving donations. The most convenient payment methods these days are e-wallets and UPI payments. A crowdfunding platform should necessarily support donations through debit and credit cards, e-wallets, net banking, and UPI accepted in the region.

    It should include international deposit methods so that people from all around the world can donate to the cause. A crowdfunding website should have different deposit methods and accept donations in multiple currencies when accepting international donations.

    A good crowdfunding website also updates their supports after every few days. Research says campaign owners are likely to raise 3 times more than the average amount if they update their supporters every five days.

    4. Dedicated fundraiser expert

    A dedicated fundraiser expert is someone who guides us throughout the journey of the fundraising process. They will assist in solving our queries and make the fundraising campaign successful. It takes a lot to make a fundraising campaign visible through various sources, social media networks or website ads.

    Also, it takes around 11 days to prepare a successful fundraising campaign on the fundraising website. This shows the need to have a fundraiser expert by our side that will overlook such tasks and will aid in collecting the needed amount. Raising funds isn’t easy. We cannot force anyone to deposit unless people find the case worthy and connecting. To increase the visibility of the fundraiser and to help us in every step of the fundraising process, fundraising platforms assign a dedicated fundraiser expert. Such a person makes the fundraising journey smooth and helps in facilitating a positive outcome at the end.

    5. Zero platform fee

    When crowdfunding for education, find a platform with zero platform fees. This means starting a fundraising campaign is free. The only charges include the payment processing fee, and the rest of the amount is ours to keep using for the desired purpose.

    A good fundraising platform keeps its expenses to a minimum so that the funds raised actually reach the one in need. Choose a platform with zero platform fee and minimal transaction processing fee so that the greater part of the money raised is ours to keep.  


    A platform for education fundraising should provide its customers with a dedicated fundraiser expert, include a multitude of deposit methods, provide faster withdrawals, zero platform fees, and have success stories and good reviews.

    Make sure the campaign is being handled dedicatedly so that it does not lose its visibility. Everything on the internet knows the majority of the contributions on crowdfunding platforms come from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, emails and YouTube. Choose the crowdfunding platform wisely and make the dream of educating abroad/ India or receiving quality education come true. Ketto is a secure and renowned crowdfunding platform in India, where we can raise funds for medical treatment, cancer treatment, education, and other causes. So, wait no more and start your education crowdfunding now with Ketto.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment