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Fundraise for Education Startups via Ketto

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    Crowdfunding for Education Startups

    Crowdfunding is the best method of fundraising for educational startups as it requires less time and energy. Ketto makes the process even more simple and easy with its well-structured and transparent network. Start raising funds and withdraw the funds super-fast.

    Ketto impacts education through crowdfunding for noble purposes like e-learning startups, quality education to rural students, online class access to below-poverty students, and many more.

    The educational sector platform in Ketto allows students, teachers, parents, and entrepreneurs to conduct fundraising for e-learning causes in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic made the entire world rethink everything from a different perspective. One such game-changing move to survive the new normal is online education or e-learning.

    Educational Startups

    The expectations of educational institutions on e-learning platforms are increasing day by day. E-learning doesn’t limit itself to school, college, and institution. It is also needed for every small training, workshop, conference, and bit class. The current trend on online classes or e-learning has promoted many new Ed-Tech startups to earn good reach among people, gain profits and become successful.

    Educational startups are one of the important business fields of interest in this COVID-19 pandemic for many new young minds. Around the world, more than 2300+ e-learning platforms are running with promising positive outcomes in the future. Ed-Tech is an uprising business field for new opportunities wholly depending on young minds and ideas. An outstanding idea with positive and promising outcomes attracts small investors, money donors, and fundraisers to invest in your work and make it worthwhile. However, the path is not easy and has many competitions.

    Tips for Startup funding

    The main options for funding are venture capitalists, angel investors, private companies, investors, and partnerships with institutions or preexisting brands. Investors constantly look for new ideas and innovative projects to invest their money in. An outstanding micro niche idea that makes huge returns on their investment convinces them to approve your project for funding over hundreds of other ideas. In return, you can get funding and other support from your investors.

    Funding a new foundation needs great investors, where an ideal option falls to venture capitalists (VCs), angel investors, and corporate businessmen. Being tagged as the “Best in Town ”, they expect a big revenue-making project brought up by the wunderkind. And it is a tough job to climb the competitive ladder and achieve all goals. With that hurdle coming on your way, crowdfunding is the next best way to raise funds and build your successful startup.

    Crowdfunding for Educational startups

    For any individual with a master idea, crowdfunding is a go-to option to raise funds. Crowdfunding is an online funding process where a small amount of money is being collected from a bigger population for any cause ranging from medical expenses to educational purposes.

    Comparing the funding on e-learning before and after 2020, the global investment in technological education will increase from 142 billion in 2018 to 342 billion US dollars in 2025. A report is given under the title “the Great Un-Lockdown: Indian Edtech”, which mentioned that the Indian education platform had raised around 4 billion US dollars in the last five years from 2016 to 2020.

    In the year 2020 alone, the startups have gathered 2.22 billion US dollars as an investment compared to 553 million in the previous year. Among so many online crowdfunding platforms, Ketto is an India-based platform that supports startups, establishments, new ventures, etc.

    Ketto Crowdfunding

    Crowdfunding is an online method of collecting funds for a cause. Through crowdfunding, one can raise a huge capital by collecting a small amount of money from a large population. Crowdfunding works on two different ideologies, one is crowdsourcing, and the other is alternative finance. This Ketto crowdfunding is “A platform” that connects a person or an organization with an idea to an individual or group who are willing to support the idea. Ketto is one such platform that offers its users a great platform of 55+ lakhs money donors, top communities, and 2 lakhs + fundraisers. You can register yourself in Ketto, start campaigning and collect funds.

    • Go to the homepage.
    • Click “sign-in”.
    • Use an e-mail id and phone number.
    • Create your account.
    • Give them a few details about yourself and your venture idea.
    • Enter your bank details.
    • That’s all!! You are good to go!!

    Now, share your online link with people you know and start campaigning. At the end of campaigning, the entire amount can be withdrawn to your linked bank account.

    Ketto online crowdfunding is one hurdle-free ladder every educational startup entrepreneur should give a try. It is an easy, simple, and less time-consuming method to raise funds for starting your new venture. An outstanding idea with positive and promising outcomes attracts small investors, money donors, and fundraisers to invest in your work and make it worthwhile. Among the increasing demand for educational startups, let your niche shine a little more with Ketto educational crowdfunding.

    Sushant Peshkar
    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment