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Fundraising Ideas for Girls’ Education

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    Crowdfunding Ideas for Girls’ Education

    Globally, India fares poorly in girls’ education. The major reasons for this are child marriage, social norms, child labour, poor sanitation, and more. Many of these factors are beyond our control. Most times, girls cannot afford to go to school. In this information age, affordability should not be a hindrance for girls’ education. The good news is that you can do something about it, like start a fundraising campaign for girls’ education.

    That said, it is hard to run a successful crowdfunding campaign for girls’ education, primarily because it is hard to get the message across. Having run successful fundraising campaigns for education, we have shortlisted our top 8 ideas that can help you in fundraising for girls’ education.

    1. Run social media campaigns
    2. Partner with women influencers and entrepreneurs
    3. Organise an auction online
    4. Conduct a walkathon in the city 
    5. Invite a band for a virtual musical night
    6. Partner with local businesses
    7. Sell merchandise
    8. Send out fundraising letters

    Read on to understand these ideas better. And stay till the end to read our bonus “pro-tip” section below.

    1. Run social media campaigns

    The power of social media for crowdfunding is underrated. People respond positively to social media fundraising campaigns, especially when it is for a good cause. Here are a few tips you can keep in mind:

    • Select the right social media platform. Make sure you select a platform that gives you the most exposure. 
    • Keep the fundraising campaign mobile-friendly, as many donors use their smartphones to access social media. 
    • Make the most of the various social media tools offered. Use tools like Google Ads and Facebook Giving to your advantage. 
    • Keep the message of girls’ education concise in your social media posts and videos.

    2. Partner with women influencers and entrepreneurs

    This is an effective crowdfunding idea for girls’ education. Women influencers and entrepreneurs can relate to the cause on a personal level. It is most likely they have overcome similar struggles. Also, they can drive the message to a large audience. Make sure you partner with the personality with whom you resonate the most.

    3. Organise an auction online

    Online auctions are a quick way to meet your fundraising targets. Reach out to the artist community to support the fundraising events. You can sell artwork in an open auction and keep a margin of the proceeds for girl education fundraising. Ask them to donate items to promote girls’ education. You can auction items like paintings, arts and other products of value. Remember to collect a variety of items for the auction as the buzz around the auction increases with more items. 

    4. Conduct a Walkathon in the city 

    Walkathons are long-distance walks organized for fundraising purposes. With a walkathon or fun run, participants raise donations by asking their supporters to pledge a fixed amount for each kilometer walked. As soon as your participants complete the walk-a-thon, your organization will collect the donations pledged by your supporters.

    It is an excellent way to get people’s attention. Invite community leaders, business persons and athletes. Make sure the posters and banners of your fundraising campaign are bold and visible to all. Why? Because your campaign will be in the next day’s newspapers!

    5. Invite a band for a virtual musical night

    You can conduct a music night for a cause like raising funds for girls’ education. Promote fundraising for girls’ education through musical nights and concerts by popular bands. Sell virtual tickets for musical nights to help raise funds.  Invite bands and upcoming musicians to conduct a virtual musical night that advocates and furthers your fundraising cause. 

    • Sell your tickets online, especially through social media. 
    • Remember to convey the crowdfunding message of education for all girls. 
    • People can enjoy a concert from the safety of their homes and contribute to a worthy cause. 

    6. Partner with local businesses

    Rope in your local businesses, especially popular restaurants, cafés and malls. Many businesses happily contribute to the right cause. Host events and programs with the help of such sponsors. Go prepared. To get a sponsor, you must tell the fundraising story well.  

    7. Sell merchandise

    Promote your fundraising goals by selling items like t-shirts, gifts, or accessories that relate to your fundraising cause. Additionally, the merchandise helps promote and advertise  the crowdfunding campaign. You can sell your fundraising campaign’s merchandise. This idea always finds donors and has a good response rate. Here are some points to remember:

    • Make sure your campaign has a catchy slogan.
    • Sell T-shirts, hoodies and posters with this slogan. 
    • Keep an eye out for trending topics on social media. Sell your merchandise based on the trends to achieve better success. 

    8. Send out fundraising letters

    Sending out fundraising letters is a great way to achieve your goals. It is important to remember the following before sending these letters:

    • Remember to tell your campaign’s story well, and keep it engaging. 
    • Highlight the problems affecting girls’ education. 
    • Come to the point by including a call-to-action.
    • Remember to be humble and authentic in your letters. 


    Here are some additional tips you can leverage for a better outcome for your fundraising endeavours:

    • Keep your crowdfunding targets and timelines realistic.
    • Keep it fun. 
    • Target various categories of donors like celebrities, companies, businesspersons, etc.

    Final thoughts 

    Education empowers girls and has a multiplier effect within the community. It is sad to witness the low enrollment of girls in schools across India. Despite government intervention, girls’ education continues to be neglected. That said, we are witnessing tremendous growth in fundraising for education. More and more people are coming forward to help educate girls.

    There are many ways to raise funds for girls’ education. Choose the one that suits your cause and convenience. If you need more fundraising ideas for girls’ education, then visit Ketto- the online crowdfunding platform.

    Signing up and starting a fundraiser on Ketto takes just three minutes. To join, fill out details about what you need money for and submit the form. You can make a positive impact on other people’s lives by contributing to Ketto’s Social Impact Plan.

    We at Ketto strongly believe that by educating girls, we can change the world. Girls’ education is a worthy cause. As an online crowdfunding platform, the idea of fundraising for girls’ education excites us. Join us to support a noble cause and share your fundraising ideas for the education of girls.

    Sushant Peshkar
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