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Healthnest – A Mobile App Improving Lives & Well-Being

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    Healthnest - A Mobile App Improving Lives & Well-Being

    According to a survey done by Smaato, a smartphone user spends at least 7 minutes out of every 8 minutes on mobile apps. Mobile apps are lovely and easiest ways to improve lives and well-being and track mental and physical health. You must be thinking about how the mobile app can enhance lives and well-being? Check out the detailed article to know how mobile apps contribute to healthcare in many ways?

    Provides faster access to providers and care

    Mobile apps empower the patients to connect with medical experts and doctors to consult on various medical and health-related issues. It saves time and money to avail of faster consultation and reliable medical aid within a couple of minutes at an affordable rate. Moreover, they facilitate connecting with different patients with similar medical journeys or treatments. You can ask them about their journey and experience via easy real-time chat options.

    A handful of mobile apps available vouch for excellent features to connect with adept physicians and medical consultants for various health issues. But, electing the most reliable and efficient app for wellness is quite a task. From connecting with patients, caregivers, and medical experts to gaining experience and insights on various medical issues from patients and their families – all on Healthnest.

    Enriches medication adherence

    Medical adherence is one of the biggest challenges we often face when a patient gets discharged from the hospital. We face a hard time ensuring that the patient is taking the medications on time. Here, mobile apps come at the rescue by providing medication adherence to their family members and the patient themselves. While using the mobile apps, you can easily track the medication timetable, whether the patient has taken the dose or when to refill the medicines. The mobile apps now come with Automated features such as medication reminders and restock alerts. It makes medication adherence easier to handle.

    Composes patient examining possible and at ease

    Apart from medical adherence, the most challenging part of medication and health tracking is examining and tracking health remotely. Mobile apps enable tracking the patient’s health conditions and notify the doctor when the patient requires attention. Due to various digital enhancements made with flexible healthcare mobile apps that can be easily accessible on smartwatches, wristbands, or fitness trackers, it is possible.

    Stipulates support to medical expenses

    Gone were the days when the patient’s family pondered and worried about substantial medical expenses on treatments and medications. However, it is a bit easier due to some magnificent apps and websites that provide financial support on hefty medical expenses

    These websites work dedicatedly in managing funds and resources required for needy families and patients by launching care campaigns on their websites and apps. The campaigns target those patients and families who can’t afford heavy medical expenses. With the help of these caregiving websites and apps, many families get rays of hope and help to fight against chronic and rare diseases.

    Improves communication between the healthcare provider and patient

    Mobile health apps facilitate the patient and his/her family to connect across the health system easily. They can perform multiple tasks from referring physicians to connecting with the office staff via secure online and offline chat options, health record access, and phone call options. These mobile apps also enable their users to request, schedule, or access appointments and patient visits. 

    In addition, they make it easy to view and access a complete and clear medical history and activity of a patient. So, the physicians and the patient family or patients can easily coordinate with themselves in transitions across settings.

    The article covers completely how mobile apps can improve well-being and track our health to balance our lives. Indeed, the best part of mobile health apps is monitoring and managing our health daily without much ado. So, what are you waiting for? Download Healthnest – a trusted and most loved mobile health app to start improving your health and enhance your well-being.

    Sushant Peshkar
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