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How Medical Crowdfunding Works?

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    How Medical Crowdfunding Works

    We often read about the devastating statistics of cancer prevalence, the increasing number of road accidents, and young people dying due to the unavailability of complex treatments and funds. We shouldn’t shake our heads affirming this situation. Instead, we send out a prayer and express gratitude that we continue to remain safe.

    Often, we wish to help such individuals but end up thinking that we are too small to make a difference to save anyone’s life; we are wrong. As individuals, we hold the power to create change collectively. 

    Medical crowdfunding is about creating change through the collective efforts of many individuals. So, you might be thinking, ‘I’m just one person, what can I really do?’ Well, let us tell you, you’re not just one person when you stand alongside others with a common purpose. 

    What is Medical Crowdfunding?

    Let’s illustrate what medical crowdfunding looks like in an everyday scenario. Imagine one of your friends from high school or your colleague from work has been diagnosed with cancer. However, given cancer is such a complex disease to treat, the treatment for the same in many cases is expensive. And, like a lot of people, your friend or colleague is unable to afford their treatment. 

    Since you have a strong bond with them and know them personally, you may think it’s quite unfair that money is a determining factor in them undergoing treatment, getting better and going back to living a normal life.

    So, you decide to raise funds for their medical treatment. You might not have savings yourself, so you reach out to people within your network who reach out to others in their social circle. Slowly, through the power of collective effort, you’re able to raise the funds needed for their treatment. Now, imagine doing all this using an online platform. Significantly faster and with a more diverse pool of donors. This is how online medical crowdfunding works.

    Let’s consider the previous hypothetical scenario again – a friend from high school or your colleague has been diagnosed with cancer. You want to help them raise funds for their treatment, but how do you go about it?

    1. You will first have to find out how much their treatment would cost. You will have to speak to the team of doctors and hospital administrators to identify the total estimated amount needed.

    2. Once you identify the amount, gather all the relevant bills and letters from the authorities corroborating that your friend or colleague needs that amount to pay for their medical treatment.

    3. Next, you will have to decide upon which crowdfunding platform you will choose to start your fundraiser on. There are many famous and credible platforms in India, such as Ketto. The platform is India’s most trusted crowdfunding platform. It also hosts numerous campaigns and has a vast history of successfully raising funds, garnering fame across Asia.

    How to start a Medical Fundraiser on Ketto?

    As we’ve discussed, medical crowdfunding is a powerful tool that allows individuals like you to join hands with others in making a difference in someone’s life. Now, to put this into action, let’s walk through the practical steps of launching a medical fundraiser on Ketto. 

    Whether you’re raising funds for a friend, a colleague, a loved one or someone in need, these steps will guide you through the process, ensuring your fundraiser is not only successful but also a source of hope and support for someone facing medical challenges.

    To make things even clearer, we’ve prepared a step-by-step video guide for you. By watching this video, you’ll get a visual walkthrough of how you can start a medical fundraiser on Ketto, which can help you better understand the steps we’ve listed below:

    1. Visit Ketto’s website and click on the ‘Start Fundraiser for Free’ button. Clicking on this button will set you on the path to creating a campaign that can make a real difference.

    2. Once you’ve taken that initial step, you’ll be prompted to select the purpose of your fundraiser. In this case, since you’re interested in raising funds for your friend or colleague’s medical treatment, go ahead and select “Medical Treatment.” To proceed, you’ll need to sign up and provide some basic details about yourself. We’ll also ask you to verify your mobile number by entering the OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your registered mobile device.

    3. After you’ve followed steps 1 and 2, it’s time to delve into the specifics of your fundraiser. In the provided forms, you’ll have to share some important details. Start by providing some information about yourself and insights into the patient’s condition. Additionally, provide an estimate of the medical treatment costs. This step lays the foundation for your campaign and helps potential supporters understand the urgency and importance of your cause.

    4. Share the patient’s story with your potential supporters, as the success of your fundraiser depends on this to a great extent. Explain the condition they are battling and, importantly, your relationship with them. Let them know who this patient is to you and why their well-being matters to you so much.

    5. After this, you will have to complete the KYC process. KYC, or Know Your Customer, is a vital process that ensures the authenticity of your campaign. This step involves two components: Campaigner KYC and Beneficiary KYC. By completing these, you help us confirm the legitimacy of your fundraising efforts. As part of this process, you’ll also be asked to e-verify your Aadhar card, adding an extra layer of security and trust to your campaign.

    6. After step 5, you will have to upload the patient’s medical documents. These documents should include the cost estimate letter, the hospital admission letter, the discharge summary, or any other pertinent hospital reports. Be sure that the patient’s name, date, treatments, and the doctor’s seal and signature are clearly visible on these documents. Using recent medical reports from the last six months is essential to reflect the current situation accurately. When uploading these documents, take extra care to ensure they are clear and legible. All images and details should be easily visible, with no blurriness or cropping.

    Once your documents are successfully uploaded, you can relax knowing that our dedicated team will review your account within 24 working hours. We will notify you once the review process is complete and your campaign is live.

    After your campaign is live, share the campaign link with as many people as possible. Leverage your social media network to reach potential donors and spread the message far and wide. Share the campaign link with a personalised message on your text messaging groups.

    Provide regular updates about your friend or colleague and their ongoing treatment on the fundraiser’s page. Those who have donated to this cause will want to know how the beneficiary is doing. You may post pictures of them recovering or taking their first step post-surgery. Such images also give the donors immense gratification knowing their contributions made a difference to someone’s life and future. It may further spur them to donate more.

    Starting a fundraiser or campaign on Ketto is not just about raising funds; it’s about building a community of support around a cause that matters to you. Each step of this process is designed to make your campaign creation journey seamless and effective, giving you the best chance to achieve your fundraising goals and make a positive impact. We are here to support you every step of the way, from the initial setup to the time you’ve raised the required funds and your campaign ends.

    What is Crowdfunding: A Brief Overview

    However, crowdfunding is not limited to medical causes alone. Crowdfunding is a dynamic and innovative financial model that has revolutionised how individuals and entrepreneurs fund their projects, ideas, and causes. 

    At its core, crowdfunding is a collective effort where many people, often referred to as backers or supporters, pool their resources, typically in monetary contributions, to support a specific initiative. This fundraising approach has gained immense popularity recently due to its accessibility, inclusivity, and ability to democratise the funding process.

    One of the critical features of crowdfunding is its online platform, which serves as a virtual meeting place for creators or project initiators and potential donors. This digital space bridges the gap between those seeking financial support and individuals willing to contribute to a cause that resonates with them.

    Ketto has been at the forefront of fundraising for numerous causes. This platform serves as a testament to the power of collective action, showing that when individuals come together and have a shared purpose, they can bring about positive change in countless areas of society. Ketto doesn’t raise funds only for people’s medical expenses alone. 

    You can start a fundraiser and crowdfund for a cause close to your heart on the platform. Here are some causes you can fundraise for on Ketto:

    Education: Education is the most powerful tool for personal and societal transformation. Starting a crowdfunding campaign for education ensures that individuals, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have access to quality education. This access can be a stepping stone to a brighter future, offering opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach.

    Fundraisers like these break down barriers to learning. They help remove financial obstacles that prevent students from pursuing higher education, vocational training, or extracurricular activities that can be transformative for their personal and professional growth.

    Investing in education has a ripple effect on society. A well-educated population is more likely to contribute positively to their communities and the workforce, leading to economic growth and improved overall well-being.

    Disaster Relief: Ketto provides a platform to raise funds for disaster relief efforts, including natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and more. These campaigns help provide immediate assistance to affected communities.

    Social Causes: Ketto supports a wide array of social causes, including campaigns related to human rights, gender equality, and more. You can create campaigns to raise awareness and funds for the social issues that matter most to you.

    Arts and Culture: Artists, musicians, writers, and cultural organisations can use Ketto to crowdfund their creative projects, exhibitions, performances, and cultural events. This enables them to bring their artistic visions to life with the support of their communities.

    Sports and Athletics: Aspiring athletes and sports teams can utilise Ketto to raise funds for training, equipment, travel expenses, and participation in sports events and competitions.

    Animal Welfare: If you’re passionate about animal welfare, you can create campaigns to support animal shelters and rescue operations. You could also start a fundraiser to provide medical care and rehabilitation for animals in need.

    Besides these causes, you can support a number of other causes that are close to your heart on Ketto by starting a fundraiser on the platform. By starting a fundraiser on the platform and raising funds for a cause that means something to you, you will be creating a positive impact in the world and helping those in need.

    In our modern digital world, crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool for bringing meaningful projects and causes to life. It empowers individuals, organisations, and communities to secure the financial support they need. 

    When it comes to online fundraising, Ketto stands out as a leader. Now, let’s delve deeper into why Ketto is the platform of choice for so many. 

    How can Ketto help you?

    In our modern digital world, crowdfunding and fundraising have become incredibly potent tools that empower individuals, organisations, and various causes to secure the financial resources they require. 

    Ketto is a crowdfunding platform that is renowned for its dependability and user-friendliness to assist you in reaching your financial objectives.

    Picture this: you have a personal cause, a creative project, or a charitable endeavour that needs funding. This might have seemed like a daunting task in the past, but today, thanks to the wonders of the internet and platforms like Ketto, it’s within your reach.

     It allows users to set fundraising goals that match their requirements, whether they are small or substantial. Ketto welcomes both individuals with personal causes and nonprofit organisations with broader missions, making it an inclusive platform for all. The user-friendly interface and customisation options enable campaigners to present their cause effectively, ensuring that it resonates with potential donors. 

    Dependability: Ketto facilitates broad outreach, making it easy to share campaigns across various social media platforms, email, and other channels. This outreach capability ensures that campaigns can reach a wide audience, enhancing the chances of meeting fundraising goals. 

    With its adaptability and versatility, Ketto empowers individuals and organisations to harness the full potential of online crowdfunding, regardless of their specific needs or goals.

    User-Friendliness: Now, you might think, “But what if I’m not a tech expert?” Well, here’s the beauty of Ketto – it’s designed to be user-friendly. You don’t need to be a computer whiz to use it effectively. 

    The platform guides you through the process step by step, helping you easily set up a campaign. You can share your story, set a realistic fundraising goal, and even add compelling images and videos to make your cause shine.

    Reaching a Wider Audience: Ketto understands that raising funds is a team effort, so they’ve made spreading the word about your campaign incredibly easy. As stated before, you can share it on social media, through emails, and more, reaching out to your network and beyond. The more people you reach, the closer you reach your fundraising target.

    Ketto’s Impact:

    Through Ketto and its community of kind-hearted donors, patients or their loved ones have been able to raise funds for their medical treatments or urgent surgeries, which have helped them recover and lead normal lives. Ketto aims to continue this journey of compassion and collective support, knowing that every contribution, big or small, is the driving force behind every success story.

    Sushant Peshkar
    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment