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How to Help a Cancer Patient With Their Mental Wellness

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    Support a Cancer Patient's Mental Wellness

    A life-threatening illness like cancer takes its toll on the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Their caregivers can provide support and encouragement to help them overcome their anxiety and ensure their mental and emotional wellness. Here’s how:

    5 Ways to help cancer patients with their mental health and wellness:

    Be sensitive

    Sensitivity towards cancer patients’ emotions helps them express themselves better. It encourages them to open up about how they feel about the diagnosis and the effects of the treatment.

    Listen attentively

    Listening attentively, without judgement, helps cancer patients feel supported and understood. Paying attention to their emotional needs will motivate them to fight cancer better.

    Ask for the doctor’s help

    Consulting with the doctors and gathering information about the illness, its effects, and its treatment will help the caregivers provide the support their loved ones need.

    Encourage them to participate in physical activity

    Physical activities, like walking or yoga, help reduce depression and anxiety in cancer patients. These activities reduce fatigue, strengthen muscles, and improve mobility and flexibility.

    Join a support group

    Encourage the loved ones to join a support group to help them meet others who understand their journey. Support groups allow cancer patients to share their feelings and provide support and motivation.

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