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Ways to Help Your Community during COVID-19

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    Help Your Community during COVID-19

    What the world has been facing since 2020 has left deep signs of misery in everyone’s lives, especially those who lost their loved ones to this pandemic. COVID-19 has brought about some of the most challenging times we have ever faced. The only options have been to either ignore or overcome the circumstances.

    Therefore, feeling demotivated or helpless in these tough times is far too common. But no matter who you are, what you do, or what your situation is, you can make a difference. Apart from helping yourself, there’s something you can do to help others in this pandemic.

    This pandemic affected us, our families, people, and our community and left the deepest scars of pain in our hearts and minds. This is the time where you can help yourself by helping others during COVID-19. Altruistic volunteering for a purpose leaves you feeling happy and proud, and in these tough times where each of us needs help, what’s better than finding new ways to help your community during COVID-19?

    Helping others in this pandemic will fill your heart with joy. Your altruism can lower your anxiety and stress levels by channeling your efforts into something real and positive for the community and yourself. So, if you’ve been wondering, “How can I help my community during Coronovirus?”, stick with us till the end.

    Ways to help the community during the pandemic

    Money does matter. Especially in tough times, your monetary contributions can go a long way to help the community during COVID-19. In situations where people do not have enough funds for even the basic necessities such as medicines, food, shelter, and so on, you can make small donations that will contribute to making a much larger change in their lives.

    You can also help your favorite vendors by making small, significant purchases: ordering food from open local restaurants, or buying small items from local businesses, groceries, corner shops, etc. who are struggling for every penny.

    There are other excellent ways to help the community during COVID-19 too, that can directly bring a smile to someone’s face.

    Food: If you find yourself short on cash but still want to help, open your kitchen to those in need. Search online and locally for NGOs or people organizing food donation drives and donate non-perishable food items such as peanut butter, pasta, rice, canned goods, beans, packaged items, etc. You can go a step further and even distribute a few home-cooked meals to the needy who would be famished.

    Personal protective equipment: Many healthcare centers and people are still short of PPE kits and surgical masks, instrumental in protecting themselves while tending to patients. In case you have any spare masks, make a little donation to help healthcare workers in this pandemic.

    Hard-to-find supplies: The demand for local supplies such as hand sanitizers, toilet papers, towels, and rubbing alcohol will continue to rise exponentially. If you have any spare, consider donating some of your resources.

    Clothing: Coupled with natural calamities like landslides and cyclones, people are being deprived of shelter and even clothes. Search your closet for barely used, intact garments that you could donate to those in need.

    As cases continue to increase, blood banks are running short of blood as the number of eligible donors has drastically fallen. If we are fit to donate blood, given the circumstances, it becomes our social responsibility to donate blood. This will help others during the pandemic in case of an emergency.

    Practice your skills

    Your creativity too can help your community during the pandemic. Your skills can be a boon for someone else. Here are some of the skills in demand:

    Sewing: Hospitals are running short of homemade masks. If you are a pro at sewing, you can start stitching homemade cloth masks and help frontline workers.

    Web design: As everything has shifted online, web designers are in demand. If you know how to design websites, write copy, and photograph products, your skills might help you shine even during the pandemic. You can offer your services pro bono or at lowered costs, as you see fit, to help small businesses and organizations move online.

    Financial services: Your financial know-how might help you out in times when savings, investments, insurance planning, etc. are the need of the hour. If you’re a certified financial planner, seek to help those who have left or lost their jobs during the pandemic and get them back on their feet.

    Appreciate and support

    Healthcare professionals have been at the forefront of facing the brunt of the pandemic. They’ve emerged as the noblest warriors walking among us today. Support and applaud your local healthcare and ASHA workers to cheer them on.

    Provide mental support

    Many health helplines are working towards relieving common mental concerns that have arisen out of the pandemic. But offer your support, concern, and a listening ear to those around you. Being a shoulder to cry on can go a long way in helping someone through a tough time. Let them feel that they are not alone in these trying times.

    Practice social distancing

    Heping is essential in the current scenarios, but more important is maintaining social distance and following all rules made by the government for your safety and security. Even by staying at home and stepping out only when necessary, you’re supporting healthcare workers by not putting your and your family’s health at risk. This, in turn, will help local municipalities to reduce their numbers, which will help cities and states to record fewer cases.


    COVID-19 has impacted the world at a time and in ways no one ever imagined it to be. It has drastically impacted our ways and quality of life.

    School and colleges are shut, and so are the offices. People have had to adopt the new way of learning, e-learning. Life has not stopped despite the lockdowns. During these tough times, it is important to adopt new ways to help your community during COVID-19 as well.

    And do not you’re alone as you go forth with contributing towards your community. Ketto is a fundraising organization that aims to promote healthcare for all by being an open-for-all, easy-to-use crowdfunding platform.

    If you want to pay your thanks to the country and the world, it’s time to do so. Don’t forget to visit Ketto for more informative blogs.

    Sushant Peshkar
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