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World Malaria Day

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    World Malaria Day

    As the world is still battling the deadly Coronavirus pandemic, we cannot miss out on the fact that there are still other scary viruses that have already claimed the lives of millions. One of them is Malaria.

    Malaria is one of the deadliest viruses spread by mosquitoes. Nearly 627,000 people have lost the battle to Malaria. World Malaria Day is observed on April 25th, 2022, as a global effort to increase awareness of malaria and finances for its treatment and prevention. The goal of the day is to draw attention to the need for more political engagement in malaria prevention and control. The day also commemorates the ongoing tremendous progress made in the fight against malaria.

    Malaria is a curable and avoidable infectious condition. Many countries throughout the world are already making progress in this direction. Malaria-related mortality decreased by 40% globally between 2000 and 2014, indicating that the world has achieved historic success against the disease, saving millions of lives.

    On April 21, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a new report outlining the “E-2020” group of malaria-free nations’ accomplishments and lessons learned. Despite the obstacles faced by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of these nations recorded zero indigenous malaria cases in 2020, while others made significant progress toward malaria-free status.

    Theme – World Malaria Day 2022

    “Achieving the zero malaria aim” is the topic of World Malaria Day 2021. In 2022, WHO and partners will commemorate World Malaria Day by honoring countries that are on their way to eliminating malaria. They serve as an example to other countries seeking to eradicate this fatal illness and enhance the health and well-being of their citizens.

    How is malaria spread?

    Malaria is a tropical illness carried by mosquitoes. Although the condition is treatable and curable, it can be deadly if not treated promptly. High fevers, vomiting, and muscular discomfort are all indications of the illness. If neglected, this can swiftly progress to life-threatening illnesses, including organ failure.

    Malaria is a blood-borne illness. Malaria is usually contracted following a mosquito bite. Malaria can only be transmitted by female mosquitoes.

    Mosquitoes become infected after biting a person who has previously contracted malaria. When the mosquito bites another person, they become infected with the illness as well. Malaria can be passed on to an unborn child if a pregnant mother is afflicted with the disease.

    People can potentially get malaria through obtaining blood transfusions or donor organs from a malaria-infected person.

    Join the fight against malaria this World’s Malaria Day

    World Malaria Day is an excellent chance to educate your children about the disease and engage them in fun fundraising activities to help a worthy cause.

    You might hold a fun run, a general knowledge quiz, or a stage show to allow people to put what they’ve learned into practice while also helping to battle malaria.


    Fortunately, the sickness is largely treatable and preventive with the correct diagnostics and precautionary steps. The magnitude of the disease’s destruction is progressively being brought under control thanks to the incredible work of wonderful charities all over the world.

    Sushant Peshkar
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