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How To Collect Funds for A Brand-New NGO?

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    Collect Funds for A Brand-New NGO

    One of the biggest challenges for a new NGO in collecting funds is establishing credibility and trust with potential donors. Without a track record or established connections, it may be difficult to attract donations from individuals or larger organizations.

    Another challenge is competition within the non-profit sector. With many NGOs working towards similar causes, it can be difficult to stand out and convince donors to choose your organization over others.

    Thus, fundraising for a new NGO requires creativity and resourcefulness as traditional fundraising methods may not be as successful without an established network or donor base. Listed below are some tips on how to collect funds for NGOs.

    How to Collect Funds for NGO – A New One

    1.      Crowdfunding: One way to collect funds for a new NGO is by launching a crowdfunding campaign online. This allows individuals from all over the world to easily contribute to the cause. Utilize crowdfunding platforms such as Ketto to reach a wider audience and gather smaller donations from a larger pool of potential supporters. They provide an easy, secure platform for donors to make donations.

    Additionally, the NGO can utilize the platform’s marketing and promotional tools to spread the word about the cause of their NGO and fundraising campaign.

    Set a clear fundraising goal, provide updates on progress, and offer incentives for donating. Tracking and showcasing the impact of donations also further attracts potential donors.

    Overall, using an online fundraising platform like Ketto can greatly help to collect funds for NGOs, especially new ones.

    2.      Social Media: Utilize social media to spread awareness of your organization and its mission. Create a website, engage on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and regularly update supporters on progress and events. Encourage recurring donations through subscription models to ensure consistent funding. Building a strong online presence can go a long way in gaining an increasing number of potential donors for a new NGO.

    3.      Fundraising Events: One way to collect funds for a new NGO is by hosting fundraising events where proceeds go towards the organization’s cause. These events can include fundraisers such as online auctions, raffles, charity gala, marathons, or benefit concerts. By engaging the community and creating excitement around these events, individuals and businesses may be more inclined to donate to the cause. Additionally, promoting the event through social media and word of mouth can also help to attract a larger audience and potential donors.

    It is, however, very important to carefully plan the expenses while organizing these events, so that the majority of the fund collected is spared for the purpose for which it was raised.

    4.      Personal Touch: Reach out to individuals in your personal and professional network, offering personalized appeals for donations. Build relationships with potential funders through networking and communication, including in-person meetings, phone calls, and emails. Make a compelling case for funding by presenting your organization’s mission, successes, and how the funder’s support will make a difference. A personal touch is the best form of communication, especially in today’s digitized world.

    5.      Collaborations: Collaborate with other non-profits to pool resources and network for potential funding opportunities. Reach out to local businesses and ask for sponsorship or donations. Apply for grants from foundations or government agencies that align with the goals of your organization.

    Utilize the connections and resources of board members, volunteers, and staff to seek out potential donors and fundraising opportunities.

    6.      Sell Merchandise: One way that a new NGO can collect funds is by selling merchandise. This can include t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, diaries and more – all featuring the NGO’s logo or message. These items can be sold online or at events and fundraisers. The profits from these sales can then be put towards running the organization and achieving its goals. Additionally, selling merchandise can also raise awareness for the NGO and attract potential donors and volunteers. It’s important to research how much it will cost to produce the merchandise and how much to sell it for to make a profit. Sourcing from ethical and sustainable vendors can further boost the image and values of the NGO.

    7.      Offer Rewards: Offer incentives or recognition to donors, such as thank-you gifts, special events for donors, merchandise, event tickets or public acknowledgement of their contributions. Partner with local businesses to offer promotions or discounts to customers who donate to your organization.

    8.      Regular follow-ups: Follow up with funders to update them on the progress and impact of their support. This will increase the likelihood of continued funding and the potential for future collaborations. Show transparency and accountability in your spending to gain the trust of potential donors and show the impact their funds will have.

    9.      Meticulous planning and execution: Develop a fundraising plan outlining your goals and how you will reach them, as well as how the funds will be used to further your organization’s impact. Identify and research potential funders who align with your NGO’s mission and values. This includes corporations, foundations, government agencies, and individual donors.

    10.  Persistence: Be persistent and creative in your efforts to find funding for your organization’s important work. Building a successful fundraising strategy for a new NGO requires determination, persistence and the ability to adapt and overcome challenges.


    Utilizing multiple avenues and constantly seeking out new opportunities can help create, sustain and grow a new NGO’s funding. A golden tip for raising funds for a new NGO is to utilize online platforms like Ketto and social media. Creating a website or crowdfunding page can help spread the word about your organization and make it easy for potential donors to contribute. Ultimately, finding creative ways to garner support and effectively communicate the mission and impact of your organization can lead to successful fundraising for a new NGO.

    Remember, starting a new NGO can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and dedication, it is possible to secure the necessary funds to achieve your goals and make a positive impact on the world. Good luck!

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