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How to Quickly Create a Web Presence for Your Charity

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    Create a Web Presence for Your Charity

    In this era, the Internet is the most useful technological advancement and it can be used to perform a number of tasks. The Internet and its global presence have made it extremely convenient for people to connect. It is the biggest platform to kickstart your career, be it a business or pursuing a hobby or even a charity. One of the most effective ways to help a charity grow is an online crowdfunding platform, and you can do it by creating a web presence for your charity. Through your web presence, people can find more about you and how to contact you for donation and other purposes. Creating a web presence is a very easy and quick process.

    Due to a lack of funds to treat illnesses, a lot of people suffer and lose their lives. Because of this, not only the patient but the whole family suffers. During such hard times, it is our responsibility to help such individuals by donating any amount we can. Even a small amount of money can go a long way to help the needful. On an online crowdfunding platform, even a rupee counts.

    Ketto helps such people gain funds, and this goal of helping people in need is achieved by crowdfunding. Our primary objective is to help people access healthcare and make the world a better place to live. Let us show empathy and lend a helping hand to them so they don’t lose hope in humanity. Let us all stand along with them by donating as much as we can and show them that we all are together during their difficult time. Ketto lends a helping hand to the people in need and helps them overcome every possible obstacle.

    Creating a web presence has helped us raise Rs. 1,100 crore + through online crowdfunding to date, and you too can create one without any hassle. Creating a web presence is not an arduous task and it can be achieved easily if you follow the below steps.

    All you need

    To create a web page, all you need is an email address, all the credentials, and information, along with a logo to add to your web page.

    Keep in mind to include information about your charity:

    • Mission and vision
    • Background story about why you are starting the charity
    • Clear idea about how to raise a fund or donate
    • Contact information

    Additionally, create a domain name that reflects your services so that your audience can easily find you through search engines.

    How to create

    There are various online crowdfunding platforms that help you create free websites, making your task much easier. You can search for such portals and pick any of them. You can choose your aesthetics and make a fully satisfactory website in order to get a web presence. You can add a colour theme and pictures which suit the purpose of your website.


    Prepare the content that you want to include on your website. Do not just prepare a single content. Brainstorm ideas and try to include as much information as you can without making it look clumsy. Out of all the ideas of content you prepare, choose the most appropriate and interesting one for your website. Collect as many relatable pictures as you can and decide on a colour palette for your website. Keep it minimalistic as simple things seem to attract more.


    You can write blogs related to your charity. This will help maximize engagement as people will stay updated about your current fundraisings through your blog. You can write blogs about families you have helped, the current situations of families who need help, and also about various other stories of people who gained help from your charity. Learning about your past activities will add to your credibility and encourage them to participate.


    A website gains maximum success when it has a high engagement rate. More engagement leads to higher popularity, and hence, more fundraising on your website for the charity. Hence, to ensure that you get more funds, you need to create an online presence.

    Send the link to your website to everyone you know and ask them to forward it further. Make maximum use of social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram. Share as much content as possible on online platforms and get recognition. Your web presence is for a good cause, and hence empathetic people tend to keep track of it. Circulate it the most among your target audience. As it is a charity web page, your target audience should be more compassionate people, earning adequately, people at a good position in any company so that they can help through corporate funding, etc. Not only them but people who need funding should also be made aware of your website so that they can get some help through it.

    Once you are done with all these basic steps, you can promote your website and increase your web presence. Make people aware of your charity so that they can help you raise funds, and the people in need who are connected with you can get the most from your charity. 

    Ketto’s online crowdfunding platform helps people who are in dire need of funds. Whether you need money for expensive medical treatment or for those recovering from a disaster, Ketto will always come to your rescue. To begin your journey for crowdfunding, you can head over to Ketto.

    Sushant Peshkar
    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment