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Tips For Fundraising On Social Media

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    Tips For Fundraising On Social Media

    Social media has helped a lot of people in various ways. It is also a great medium to raise funds. You get plenty of opportunities on a grand scale to raise funds. However, knowing where to focus is not easy. It is because every day, a lot of campaigns are started on social media related to fundraising.

    Moreover, the changing algorithms, aggressive competition, and complex websites make reaching new supporters even tougher. But, that does not mean you shouldn’t start. Guess what? Facebook has 340 million users from India alone! Thus, you realize how much you can benefit from such a large audience. To make things easier for you, here are some tips for fundraising on social media you can use.

    1. Pick the Best-Suited Platform

    It is essential to select a platform that is best suited for your cause and organization. Not every social media platform needs to work well for you. For instance, Facebook is great for sharing your fundraising campaign.

    Similarly, Instagram helps in sharing impactful images and getting in touch with influencers. Alternatively, Twitter is great for sharing quick updates, whereas LinkedIn allows you to connect with renowned and resourceful corporate givers.

    TikTok is another popular platform that lets you make the most of challenges to bring attention to your cause. Remember to consider your donor’s demographics, network with most donors, and the type of donors you wish to attract.

    2. Go Public!

    One of the essential tips for fundraising on social media is never to keep things private. Go public to ensure transparency. Also, make sure your online material is shareable. This makes it easier for donors to share it on their social media channels.

    When people share their good deeds and your campaign’s message, it will draw positive attention and authenticity. This will allow the donor’s friends and family to learn about your campaign.

    You can use a unique hashtag so that people can access your campaign quickly. It will help make all posts viewable in one location and will be easy to promote them further.

    3. Customize Your Message According to the Platform

    While choosing a platform best-suited for your organization is essential, customizing your message according to that platform. Facebook allows its users to post long paragraphs that can suit your storytelling angle. Moreover, the posts are easily shareable, so fundraising campaigns achieve great success here.

    On the other hand, Twitter has a 280 character limit, so storytelling is not impactful here. But, it is excellent to share your fundraiser’s slogan and give out relevant yet concise information to get attention.

    Instagram is known for its captivating images and videos. You can upload the same by giving your donor’s a tour of your organization or of the impact you have made. Live videos are also great.

    4. Engage Donors and Influencers to Amplify your Support

    Social media is excellent for engaging donors plus influencers for amplifying your support. You can also get the donors to work on your behalf. When your cause gets boosted, gates open to potential supporters. Social Media Influencers can help greatly in amplifying your cause.

    Some examples are creating viral challenges, bringing in brand ambassadors, peer-to-peer fundraising, and crowdfunding. Viral challenges have proven to be very beneficial, for instance, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

    Moreover, influencers and brand ambassadors with a tremendous social media following can also benefit you greatly. Crowdfunding campaigns encourage supporters to share them amongst friends and families to increase the funds.

    5. Give a Live Experience

    When we talk about tips for fundraising on social media, this is an essential tip for all. People are criticizing social media for decreasing in-person interactions and live experiences. You use this to your benefit and give them what they want.

    Combine live events and the digital sphere to boost your campaign. Create Facebook events listing with the information about your fundraising event. Associate a pledge campaign with your event to ensure the attendees pledge donations after completing the event.

    Another essential feature is live streams. While it cannot replicate a live event, it can help you bring more people on board. Live video sharing reaches a larger audience and can be uploaded after it ends to encourage attendees to make it to the next event.

    6. Track Benchmarks

    Social media is a great tool that offers plenty of insights. You can track what people are liking, disliking, sharing, interacting with, and more. It is essential to follow all this to get a clear view. For instance, Facebook offers integrated fundraising tools for nonprofits. This makes it easier to raise funds online.

    It will become easier for you to create effective strategies when you get an idea about the number of donors, shares, direct traffic, social media links, organic search traffic, follower demographics, and more.

    7. Follow Up

    Your work is not completed if you don’t follow up with your donors and participants of the campaign. Make sure you thank them for their impact in various ways. You can use thank-you posts, personal thank-you messages from the recipients, and more.

    The key is not forgetting the feeling of gratitude and conveying it to everyone who supported your campaign. As you turn a casual social media user into a donor, you must show them how grateful you are.

    Once you follow these tips for fundraising on social media correctly, you will get positive feedback that will allow you to change the world for the better.


    Ketto is an online crowdfunding platform from India. Anyone can raise funds for their cause from all over the country through Ketto. Even if you are an individual, entrepreneur, or NGO, you can quickly raise funds for achieving your goals. The various causes for raising funds include medical healthcare, accidents, animals, disaster reliefs, memorials, and more. So far, Ketto has managed to gather funds from lakhs of donors successfully. In addition, crores of rupees have been raised for various fundraisers. Thus, this leading fundraising success rate allows Ketto to offer easy-to-manage tools to its users.

    Moreover, you get expert support 24X7 along with an intelligent dashboard and international payment support. As social media is changing lives for the better, you can also use it for making a positive change. Fundraise for a noble cause or donate to one on Ketto today.

    Sushant Peshkar
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