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Let’s Celebrate Diwali the Festival of Light, Hope, Joy & Goodness Around the World Through Ketto

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    Celebrate Diwali the Festival of Light, Hope, Joy & Goodness Around the World Through Ketto

    Diwali is the most awaited festival in India. The festival is celebrated across the country and is symbolized by dazzling diyas and lights. People spend days decorating their homes with artistic rangolis, and lanterns, the young and elderly ladies spend their time making delicious sweets, while the kids play around the courtyards lighting crackers. Nevertheless, the zeal and spirit of this festival burn bright in everybody’s hearts.

    Our beneficiaries at Ketto feel extra special this Diwali because you all have contributed as much as possible to those battling severe diseases, especially during the pandemic. Let us not forget these gestures during this festive season. there are countless children waiting on funds from you to continue their expensive medical treatments.

    Millions of children and people around us whose health and education have been adversely due by the COVID-19 pandemic need your generous gratitude and donations. These children cannot convey their thanks personally and we at Ketto would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your continuous support, grit, and determination that reinstated their physical and cognitive development.

    May this festival of light bring love, joy, and prosperity to all donors who have contributed to helping the needy. Ketto is very grateful for the generous contributions made by NGO’s and individuals who helped us reach and save so many lives across our country.

    This year KETTO is trying to make the best of the current situation. We have launched Healthnest app to assist individuals with mental health. Similarly, we introduced SIP, a simplified way for our donors to provide maximum assistance through monthly commitments and provide financial support to children.

    Let’s take a pledge this Diwali to continue to donate online, spread awareness, and conduct fundraising campaigns – all for the sake of needy and young children. We request you to spend your money wisely and for the better good of the society around us and refrain from burning money in the form of crackers this Diwali. You can also help NGO’s distribute meals and be the light for the needy who need you the most right now.

    May the Goddess Lakshmi guide you out through every streak of negativity and bless you with wealth and prosperity. And may this Diwali guide you home and eliminate darkness from your life.

    Ketto wishes you and your family a thrilled and fun-filled Diwali!

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment