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Social Impact Plan by Ketto Makes Donation Easy by Making It Monthly

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    SIP - The Upside of Donating Monthly

    Ketto, as an online crowdfunding platform and website in India for fundraising of social, charity, movies, music, personal and creative causes, has made the process of donating easy.

    Every few minutes, a life is lost due to a lack of funding in healthcare and medical emergencies. The World Bank reports that Indian healthcare is underfunded. Many lives are lost as they cannot afford medical facilities due to their poverty or unforeseen expenses arising from medical emergencies.

    As humans, we derive happiness from helping the needy who cannot afford their child’s medical treatment, the elderly, the disabled, or the books. The gratitude of having enough for you and providing to help others gives us an immense sense of satisfaction and empowerment. It is good to know that our contributions make an impact on the lives of others. The Social Impact Plan by Ketto helps make healthcare a reality for everyone. Ketto saved 670+ children, could help 540 life-changing treatments and has 30,000+ donors contributing monthly to save lives, 55+ lakh donors, with 1,40,000 lives saved so far. Ketto helps in making “Healthcare for All” a reality.

    However, we seldom remember to pay the charity on time or perhaps not contribute better with our earnings at the end of the year. But, do you know that a recurring Social Impact Plan is a better option where you can choose to contribute a small sum monthly and affordably? Ketto offers this option to make donations as you can afford from your monthly income.

    Manageable and affordable – Good for your pocket

    Rather than making large donations which could be a hassle for you, monthly donations spread throughout the year are more manageable for your pocket. It is a pocket-friendly option that helps you contribute to charity while meeting the medical emergencies of others.

    Do you know that you do not have to burn your pockets for making huge charities? Do you feel that you are not contributing enough to help sponsor a child or help for any needy’s medical treatment? Contributing by donating monthly sums throughout the year will help you feel the joy of sharing and giving while managing your pocket.

    Track your donations

    Knowing that our donation has benefitted someone in saving their life gives you immense pleasure and satisfaction. Ketto helps us to track the donations you made and the lives you impacted. Ketto gives you monthly updates of the patients you supported through email or WhatsApp. You can now verify that the donations you make are saving the lives of the patients you supported and easily track it at the comfort of your place. You can easily ensure transparency and accountability in tracking.

    Being able to impact

    Opting for monthly donations helps you make a significant impact in the lives of those who need it. Making donations will not only help the needy but is good for your emotional well-being as well. Spreading donations throughout the year helps meet any contingencies and medical emergencies that might arise in any part of the year. Help save lives from being lost due to medical emergencies. Social Impact Plan, a monthly donation program of Ketto, helps any person who needs it the most at the right time.

    Automatic recurring – Ease in payment

    Once you set up your account and enter your credit information, you do not have to remember every time you donate. A small donation recurring monthly will be automatically cut from your account. If you want to stop the payments at any time, you need to click, ‘cancel SIP.’ The faster and secure way of automatic recurring monthly donations helps you save a life in urgent need of funds at any part of the year.

    A way of showing gratitude to life

    You get to feel joy when you know that you have helped a person in need of medical funds. To be able to give to others whatever we can is a way of showing gratitude for our life. Make lives matter through small acts of kindness.

    Inculcating good values in kids and family

    By doing charity, we teach our kids the importance of giving and caring for others. Kids learn from watching us rather than what we tell them to do. Be a role model for your kid. By sharing your monthly donations with your family and inviting them to donate, we tend to inculcate a bond of togetherness and bonding.

    Your kindness can save a life. With Ketto’s Social Impact Plan, you can easily donate and help prevent lives from being lost due to medical emergencies.

    “Be someone’s sunshine when the skies are grey.”

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment