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My Advice to Entrepreneurs

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    My Advice To Entrepreneurs-Varun Sheth
    Listen To Your Gut - Varun Sheth - Ketto

    Listen To Your Gut

    My family, friends, and coworkers were unsure of what I was doing or trying to do when I originally proposed quitting my job and creating a crowd-based peer-to-peer company. When I finally summoned the courage to quit my job and give all my focus to Ketto, I was nervous but I knew I had to trust my gut. Forward to 8 years, today I’m delighted to say that I didn’t succumb to peer pressure and made a decision based on my instincts.

    Do what your instincts tell you to do, even if everyone else in the room disagrees–and that room is full of individuals you assume are more experienced, knowledgeable, and prepared than you are.

    Love What You're Doing - Varun Sheth - Ketto

    Love What You’re Doing

    I was a successful Chartered Financial Analyst and had gained momentum at my job. But it didn’t make me happy internally. I soon realized that what I was doing had no real-world value and that I was not contributing to society in any manner.

    Nothing beats achieving success in a venture you worked on with passion and dedication. What’s more, doing something you love will motivate you to work even more.

    Take A Break - Varun Sheth - Ketto

    Take A Break

    Being an entrepreneur takes a lot of time (to say the least). Entrepreneurs find it difficult to take time off, yet it is necessary to take time off when you have so many responsibilities. At the end of the day, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of what matters most. 

    So once in a blue moon just sit back, sip your coffee and finish that book you had started weeks ago!

    Treat Your Staff Like One Big Family - Varun Sheth - Ketto

    Treat Your Staff Like One Big Family

    The word “family” is very important to us at Ketto. Our workplace atmosphere is such that it feels more like a closely-knit clan than a company.

    It’s simple: a great company is built with excellent people. Make sure your team fits your company’s culture and values. Second, ensure that your employees are at ease in your workplace and that they can easily communicate with you and one another. Finally, don’t expect people to be mirror images of you. Be receptive to fresh ideas and suggestions. It’s always beneficial to gain new insights on existing methods of operation.

    Never Stop Learning - Varun Sheth - Ketto

    Never Stop Learning

    We didn’t have any marketing or advertising at Ketto at first because we didn’t know how! I wasn’t very tech-savvy, and because Ketto is an internet company, my staff and I had a lot to learn. I’m still learning from my team and other firms after eight years because I believe that a strong leader must also be a lifelong learner.

    Continuous learning helps you grow as a leader as well as an entrepreneur and human being. If you want to grow your company, stay competitive, or promote innovation, you must continue to learn.

    We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Tune in next week for more! Till then, read how Ketto strives to make a social impact with its Social Impact Plan (SIP). Or click to Start Fundraising Today!

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