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Join the Crowd for a Better Tomorrow: Ketto Crowdfunding India Leads the Way on National Crowdfunding Day

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    March 14 - National Crowdfunding Day

    National Crowdfunding Day is a special day celebrated every year on March 14th to recognize and promote the concept of crowdfunding as a viable means of financing and supporting various projects, causes, and initiatives. It is a day when people come together to promote and support crowdfunding, which has emerged as a powerful tool for mobilizing resources, creating awareness, and supporting various social, environmental, and developmental causes.

    In India, one of the most prominent crowdfunding platforms is Ketto Crowdfunding. Founded in 2012 by Varun Sheth, Kunal Kapoor, and Zaheer Adenwala, Ketto Crowdfunding has become a leading platform for raising funds for various causes, including medical emergencies, education, sports, social causes, and startups.

    Zaheer Adenwala

    Zaheer Adenwala is one of the co-founders of Ketto, an online crowdfunding platform. He serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Ketto, overseeing the day-to-day operations and ensuring that the platform runs smoothly. At Ketto, Zaheer brings his financial expertise to the table, helping the platform to grow and expand its reach. With his dedication and commitment, Ketto has become one of the most successful crowdfunding platforms in India.

    Varun Sheth

    Varun Sheth is the CEO and one of the co-founders of Ketto, an online crowdfunding platform. Under his leadership, Ketto has become a trusted platform for individuals and organizations to raise funds for various causes, including medical emergencies, education, and disaster relief. Varun’s commitment to innovation and social impact has helped Ketto to become one of the leading crowdfunding platforms in India.

    Kunal Kapoor

    Kunal Kapoor is a Bollywood actor and social activist who is also one of the co-founders of Ketto, an online crowdfunding platform. Kunal’s passion for social causes led him to co-found Ketto with the aim of providing a platform for people to raise funds for various causes. He serves as the brand ambassador and investor for Ketto, using his celebrity status to help raise awareness about the platform and its mission. Kunal is also actively involved in promoting education and social justice in India through his various philanthropic endeavours. With his dedication and commitment to social impact, Kunal has played a key role in making Ketto a trusted platform for crowdfunding in India.

    National Crowdfunding Day

    On National Crowdfunding Day, Ketto Crowdfunding is taking several initiatives to promote the concept of crowdfunding and raise awareness about its impact on society. The platform is using various channels such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing to engage with its users and promote the cause.

    One of the key initiatives taken by Ketto Crowdfunding is to launch a special campaign called “Crowdfunding for a better tomorrow.” This campaign aims to raise funds for various social, environmental, and developmental causes, including education, healthcare, environment, and animal welfare. The campaign is expected to mobilize a large number of people and generate significant funds for the causes.

    Another important initiative taken by Ketto Crowdfunding on National Crowdfunding Day is to promote the concept of community crowdfunding. This is a new approach to crowdfunding where the community comes together to support a common cause. The idea is to encourage people to pool their resources and work together to achieve a common goal. Community crowdfunding has the potential to create a strong sense of community spirit and social responsibility.

    Ketto Crowdfunding is also taking several steps to make the crowdfunding process more transparent and secure. The platform has introduced several features such as real-time tracking, secure payment gateways, and a verified campaign process to ensure that the funds are used for the intended purpose. Ketto Crowdfunding also has a team of experts who review each campaign and ensure that it meets the required standards.

    In addition to these initiatives, Ketto Crowdfunding is also working towards creating a more inclusive and diverse crowdfunding ecosystem. The platform is reaching out to underrepresented communities and providing them with the tools and resources to raise funds for their causes. Ketto Crowdfunding is also collaborating with other organizations and platforms to create a more integrated and collaborative crowdfunding ecosystem.

    Overall, Ketto Crowdfunding is working towards a better tomorrow by promoting the concept of crowdfunding and providing a platform for people to support various causes. The platform is taking several initiatives to make the crowdfunding process more transparent, secure, and inclusive. National Crowdfunding Day provides an excellent opportunity to recognize and celebrate the impact of crowdfunding on society and to promote its potential as a powerful tool for social change.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment