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How Crowdfunding Works For Different Finance Needs

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    Crowdfunding For Different Finance Needs

    Crowdfunding is one of the easiest ways of raising money for specific situations. Once you learn how crowdfunding works, you can use it to benefit your business, provide financial help for medical treatment, and help charities and NGOs raise money. As crowdfunding has proven to be a viable and valuable means of raising money, it is crucial to understand this concept in greater depth.

    How Crowdfunding Works?

    Crowdfunding is a particular form of funding that allows individuals to obtain money from multiple people simultaneously. This is usually done via online crowdfunding sites. These sites help fundraisers set a specific goal to be met raised. Here are a few simple sets one can use to start a fundraising campaign,

    • The individual looking for crowdfunding has to register on an Indian crowdfunding website. This acts as a medium between entrepreneurs and investors.
    • Give the potential investors and donors detailed information about the reason for the campaign. Use pictures and videos to encourage potential investors to believe in the cause and increase their odds of investing.
    • In some cases, fundraisers can also quote the minimum amount a person can invest.
    • Interested potential investors can then sponsor the minimum amount.
    • Once enough funds are raised, the fundraiser can withdraw them. Some crowdfunding sites may take a small percentage of the funds raised as a processing fee.

    Types of Crowdfunding

    Once we understand how crowdfunding works, it’s time to understand the different types of crowdfunding and how you can use them in different financial situations.

    Donation Based Crowdfunding

    Here the investor does not expect any return on their investment. It is used for special projects. Awareness about these fundraisers can be spread using social media.

    Financial situations in which we can use donation-based crowdfunding

    For Healthcare

    This is one of the most popular forms of donation-based fundraising. Here patients or their loved ones can ask for financial help for medical treatment. Researchers and scientists can create crowdfunding campaigns to raise money for specialized research to cure different diseases.

    Art and Culture

    Art and culture are excellent causes for raising money. Most people who love art will want to invest in the betterment of this purpose. You can raise funds to finance new artists and help them develop their skills. In the case of museums, to help improve their infrastructure or to fund new displays.

    Reward-Based Crowdfunding

    In this case, investors who believe in your cause get a reward in return for their investment. These can be small gifts, coupons, free services, or goods. Reward-based crowdfunding is the best individuals or companies selling services or products. You can decide the rewards based on the amount of the investment.

    Situations in which you can use reward-based fundraising

    When a person has a great idea for a product but needs more capital to start production, this is the best way to raise funds. The individual can promise a sample product or assured gifts to every investor.

    Equity Crowdfunding

    Here investors get equity in return for their investment; this is an excellent motivator for those who believe in your cause. Investors also become part owners of the company and earn excellent returns for their investment.

    Situations in which equity crowdfunding is beneficial

    This crowdfunding is great for companies selling a service and needing capital to start or grow their business. This is only beneficial for those who do not mind sharing profits with their investors.

    Debt-based Crowdfunding

    The fundraiser pays back the invested amount with interest once they have started earning a profit from their company. This way, the individual can hold on to all the equity of their business while raising enough capital to take it to the next level.

    Situations in which debt-based crowdfunding is beneficial

    This is another option for individuals who need funds to start a service-based company or increase the production of their popular products.

    Real Estate Crowdfunding

    Investors can help real estate firms with the seed money they need. Here investors are promised huge returns for their investment.

    Situations in which you can use real estate crowdfunding

    This kind of crowdfunding is excellent for those new to the field. You can use it to improve the infrastructure of a specific area. A common example of this crowdfunding is the community collecting money to build a bridge. This bridge was meant to connect two areas that were previously not accessible. Here in the place of a return on the profit, investors were promised their names on the planks of the bridge.


    Crowdfunding is the new way fundraisers can raise money for different causes and financial situations. Useful insights into how crowdfunding can help raise more funds for various causes. By leveraging the power of crowdfunding, one can provide much-needed support and assistance to those who need it most.

    You can use crowdfunding to raise money for various financial needs, including medical expenses, charitable causes, community projects, and more. Whatever your goal may be, a highly trusted crowdfunding platform, ketto, can help you achieve it, as it has done by raising over $40 million.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment