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Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti – Parakram Diwas: Meaning, Significance

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    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti - Parakram Diwas

    Do you ever feel that restless yearning for something more, that quiet rebellion against the status quo? It’s a feeling not unfamiliar to millions who lived under the yoke of colonial rule. And it was at the heart of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s struggle. He wasn’t just fighting for an independent India; he was fighting for the freedom to dream, to choose, and to carve our destiny. 

    Today, on his birth anniversary, which is known as Parakram Diwas/Parakram Divas, meaning Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti let’s celebrate not just his achievements but his rebellious spirit that resonates within us years later. In this article, we will learn more about his early life, his contributions to the Indian freedom struggle, his legacy and a lot more. 

    Early Life and Childhood

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, a key figure in India’s struggle for freedom, was born on January 23, 1897, in Cuttack, Odisha. His parents, Janakinath Bose and Prabhavati Devi, were respected in their community for the good things they did. Janakinath Bose worked as a successful lawyer, and Prabhavati Devi, his mother, was deeply involved in social work.

    Growing up in a close-knit family with strong cultural and educational values, young Subhas displayed exceptional intelligence and leadership qualities from an early age. His father’s profession as a lawyer likely influenced Netaji’s sense of justice and the importance of standing up for what is right. His mother’s commitment to social work could have instilled in him the significance of making a positive impact on society. The family’s commitment to education became evident as he embarked on his academic journey, laying the foundation for the intellectual prowess that would define his future endeavours.

    Education and Political Awakening

    Netaji’s journey into the world of education began at Ravenshaw Collegiate School in Cuttack, where his intellectual curiosity and leadership abilities started to shine. Even as a young student, he showed remarkable promise, drawing the attention of teachers and peers alike. His academic journey at Ravenshaw laid the groundwork for the intellectual prowess that would later characterise his contributions to India’s struggle for independence.

    His thirst for knowledge led him to Presidency College in Calcutta, a prestigious institution, where he continued to excel academically. The intellectual environment of Presidency College provided Netaji with the tools to shape his perspectives and ideals. It was during these formative years that he not only honed his academic skills but also developed a keen sense of social and political consciousness.

    Netaji didn’t just excel academically; his education went beyond the classroom walls. He didn’t see learning as merely acquiring facts but as a way to better understand the world. This approach laid the groundwork for a leader who would challenge norms and strive for a free, just India.

    As Netaji journeyed through his academic years, his brilliance and leadership qualities shone brighter. Moving from Ravenshaw Collegiate School to Presidency College wasn’t just a step forward in his studies; it marked a transformative period that would shape the fate of a nation craving freedom.

    In the classrooms of Ravenshaw and Presidency, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose planted the seeds of intellectual curiosity. These early experiences set the tone for a life dedicated to seeking knowledge and pursuing the dream of a liberated India.

    He then travelled to England to appear for the Indian Civil Service examination. However, destiny had different plans for him. Influenced by the nationalist fervour in Europe and inspired by Irish revolutionary movements, Bose began to see the world through a different lens. This period marked the beginning of his political awakening.

    Entry into Politics 

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s foray into the realm of politics unfolded officially in 1921 when he took his first steps into the Indian National Congress. This marked the beginning of a political journey that would leave an indelible mark on the pages of India’s struggle for independence.

    Once immersed in the political currents of the Congress, Netaji’s ascent through the ranks was nothing short of meteoric. His charismatic presence and astute organisational skills quickly garnered attention. In a remarkably short span, he found himself rising through the echelons of the party, capturing the admiration of his colleagues.

    It was during this period, as a dynamic force within the youth wing of the Congress, that Netaji earned the revered title “Netaji,” translating to a respected leader. This acknowledgement wasn’t merely a symbolic gesture; it reflected the genuine regard and admiration his leadership evoked.

    Netaji’s influence extended beyond titles and positions. He became a vocal advocate for complete independence, distinguishing himself from those who adhered to a more gradual approach within the Congress. His unwavering stance for full autonomy became a hallmark of his political identity, setting him apart as a leader who envisioned a free and sovereign India.

    Beyond the organisational intricacies of politics, Netaji’s political philosophy evolved during this time. Influenced by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and inspired by the principles of nationalism, he sought a holistic approach to India’s struggle for freedom. This ideological foundation would shape his later endeavours as a leader who not only envisioned independence but also worked tirelessly to realise this dream.

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s early years in politics, marked by his swift rise within the Indian National Congress and his firm advocacy for complete independence, laid the groundwork for a leader whose impact would reverberate far beyond the political landscape of his time.

    Achievements within the Congress

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s contributions within the Indian National Congress reached its pinnacle when he assumed the presidency in consecutive years, 1938 and 1939. His leadership during this period was characterised by an assertive and dynamic approach, rallying for direct action against British colonial rule. Under his guidance, the Congress adopted a more confrontational stance, signalling a departure from the conciliatory methods of the past.

    Netaji’s vision was not limited to passive resistance; he believed in taking bold and decisive steps to hasten India’s path to freedom. His tenure witnessed a surge in nationalist fervour as he called for a more proactive role in the fight against colonial oppression.

    However, this period also saw the crystallisation of differences between Netaji and the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and other Congress stalwarts. Variances in methods and ideologies led to Netaji’s resignation from the presidency in 1939, marking a significant chapter in the intricate tapestry of India’s struggle for independence.

    Role in the Freedom Struggle

    Undeterred by the differences within the Congress, Netaji continued his unwavering commitment to India’s independence. In 1939, he founded the Forward Bloc, an organisation dedicated to forming a united front against colonialism. This move showcased Netaji’s resilience and his determination to pursue the fight for freedom on his terms.

    His famous rallying cry, “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!” encapsulated the intensity of his belief in sacrificing everything for the nation. This resonated deeply with the masses, inspiring a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to the cause.

    Netaji’s role transcended national boundaries, especially during the tumultuous period of World War II. Recognising the geopolitical shifts of the time, he sought international support for India’s cause. His diplomatic endeavours aimed to leverage global alliances and capitalise on the chaos of the war to further the agenda of Indian independence.

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s achievements within the Congress and his subsequent role in forming the Forward Bloc were instrumental in shaping the trajectory of India’s struggle for freedom. His resolute leadership and unwavering spirit profoundly shaped the historical narrative, steering the course of pivotal events in the nation’s pursuit of independence.

    Significance of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti or Parakram Divas

    Parakram Diwas – Meaning:

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti is observed on 23rd January. Parakram Diwas, which the day is also known as, isn’t just Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s birth anniversary. This day serves as a profound tribute to a leader whose life epitomised fearlessness and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of freedom.

    Parakram Diwas recognised as a day of valour, encourages individuals to reflect on the indomitable spirit and sacrifices made by Netaji in the quest for India’s independence. The significance of this day is deeply rooted in the collective memory of a nation that found inspiration in Netaji’s leadership during challenging times.

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s role in India’s struggle for independence is marked by his unyielding determination, strategic brilliance, and fervent belief in the principles of courage and freedom. His famous words, “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom,” encapsulate the essence of his leadership and underscore the sacrifices he envisioned for a liberated India.

    His departure from the conventional path and advocacy for complete independence set him apart in the annals of history. The importance of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti lies in its ability to evoke the spirit of patriotism, reminding the nation of the sacrifices made by its brave leaders.

    How is Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti celebrated?

    Celebrated on 23rd January, Parakram Diwas is commemorated on the birthday of freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. This annual celebration is more than a historical event; it is a testament to the enduring legacy of a leader whose life embodied fearlessness and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of freedom.

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti Day begins with solemn and uplifting flag-hoisting ceremonies across the country, each flutter of the tricolour resonating with the symbolism of freedom that Netaji fiercely championed. These ceremonies become a visual representation of the principles he stood for, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made during the struggle for independence.

    Processions and rallies traverse through cities and towns, echoing the spirit of unity and determination that Netaji exemplified in the face of adversity. Citizens from diverse backgrounds unite, following in the footsteps of a leader who sparked the fervour of patriotism in the hearts of millions.

    Cultural programs take centre stage, not only honouring Netaji’s leadership but also celebrating the diverse cultural tapestry of India that he envisioned. Through music, dance, and artistic expression, these programs become a living tribute to the cultural resilience that played an important role in the battle against colonial rule.

    In schools, children exchange warm wishes of “Happy Parakram Diwas,” creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. Classrooms buzz with excitement as students, donned in tricolour attire, share their knowledge about Netaji through creative presentations. The corridors echo with the voices of young minds expressing their admiration for the leader who fearlessly stood against oppression.

    A student from every class or grade may be seen giving a speech on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti. These speeches delivered by students often reflect a deep understanding of Netaji’s life and contributions, showcasing the educational significance of the day. These speeches serve as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting younger generations with the historical narrative and inspiring them to carry forward the ideals of courage and freedom.

    Moreover, a prominent political figure or two may also be seen giving a speech on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti. As they take the stage, they are seen offering insights into the relevance of Netaji’s principles in contemporary times. Their speeches resonate not only with the historical context but also address the challenges and opportunities facing the nation today. These orations become a call to action, urging citizens to embody the spirit of Parakram Diwas in their daily lives.

    Children may also create placards with Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti quotes on them. Immersed in the spirit of the occasion, children eagerly craft these placards, carefully selecting and beautifully illustrating quotes that resonate with Netaji’s ideals of courage, freedom, and patriotism. The process not only enhances their artistic skills but also provides an insightful exploration into the profound thoughts of one of India’s greatest leaders.

    His quotes serve as beacons of inspiration, reminding everyone of Netaji’s visionary leadership and his unwavering commitment to the cause of India’s freedom. These placards become a canvas for young minds to showcase their creativity and convey the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti quotes.

    Educational seminars and discussions form an intellectual cornerstone of the celebrations. These forums deepen the understanding of Netaji’s strategic vision, political philosophy, and the profound impact of his contributions. Young minds are nurtured with knowledge, ensuring that the values and ideals he stood for are passed down to future generations.

    The celebration of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti extends beyond geographical boundaries, embracing every corner of the nation with a shared sense of purpose and pride. Celebrated on 23rd January, Parakram Diwas is a collective reaffirmation of the principles Netaji embodied and a call to embrace the spirit of contemporary times. The sounds of children and people wishing one another “Happy Parakram Diwas” serve as a poignant reminder of Netaji’s greatness as a leader, his enduring impact on the nation, and the principles he stood for.

    How can you celebrate Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti?

    You can play a key role in the collective celebration of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti. Here are several ways to honour his legacy:

    • Visit Museums and Exhibitions: Explore museums and exhibitions dedicated to Netaji’s life and the Indian freedom struggle. Gain a deeper understanding of historical artefacts and documents that chronicle his journey.

    • Attend Commemorative Events: Participate in commemorative events organised by local communities, educational institutions, or government bodies. These events may include discussions, seminars, and cultural programs that pay tribute to Netaji’s contributions.

    • Read Netaji’s Writings: Delve into Netaji’s own writings and speeches. Understanding his thoughts and ideologies firsthand can provide valuable insights into his vision for a free and independent India.

    • Contribute to Educational Initiatives: Support educational initiatives that focus on teaching Netaji’s life and contributions. This could involve volunteering at schools, libraries, or community centres to share his inspiring story with younger generations.

    • Create Artistic Tributes: Express your admiration through artistic endeavours. Create paintings or different forms of art like sculptures that capture the essence of Netaji’s leadership and the ideals he stood for.

    • Engage in Community Service: Dedicate a day to community service in honour of Netaji’s selfless commitment to the nation. Engage in endeavours that tackle societal challenges and actively contribute to enhancing the well-being of the community.

    • Organise Film Screenings: Host screenings of documentaries or films that portray Netaji’s life and the historical events surrounding India’s struggle for independence. This can be a communal activity to educate and inspire a wider audience.

    • Plant Trees or Organize Clean-Up Drives: Connect with environmental causes, reflecting Netaji’s broader vision for a progressive and sustainable India. Planting trees or organising clean-up drives aligns with his principles of nation-building and development.

    • Engage in Discussions: While giving a speech on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti is a great way to remember him and honour his achievements and legacy, you can also host or participate in discussions about Netaji’s relevance in the contemporary context. Explore how his principles can guide individuals and communities in addressing current challenges.

    • Encourage Academic Research: Support or undertake academic research projects that delve into lesser-known aspects of Netaji’s life. Contributing to the academic understanding of his legacy ensures a more comprehensive appreciation of his contributions.

    • Promote Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti Quotes: Share and disseminate Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti quotes on various platforms. By spreading his words of wisdom, you contribute to keeping his thoughts alive and relevant in today’s context.

    • Organise Quizzes or Polls on Social Media: Leverage platforms like Instagram to engage your followers. Carry out quizzes or polls asking them, “When is the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti date?” “Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti day is also known as what?” and “Parakram Diwas is celebrated on the birth anniversary of which great freedom fighter?” 

    You could also create a story where you add a bunch of dates and days like 23 Jan, Parakram Diwas, 26 Jan, Republic Day, 15th August, Independence Day in two different columns. Jumble them up and ask your followers to match the correct date with the day and send you the pictures of the same via direct message. You could also select a few winners and give them some prizes. You could also share some of his inspirational quotes. This interactive approach not only educates but also involves a wider audience in the celebration.


    Q. Parakram Diwas is celebrated on the birth anniversary of which great freedom fighter?

    Ans. It is celebrated on the birthday or birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

    Q. What is the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti date?

    Ans. It is celebrated on 23 January. Parakram Diwas, or Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti, is celebrated every year on this day since it is Netaji’s birth anniversary.

    Q. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti Day is also known as what?

    Ans. It is also known as Parakram Diwas.

    Q. How is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti date celebrated in India?

    Ans. Celebrated on 23 January, Parakram Diwas or Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti is commemorated in India with various events and programs. The day begins with flag-hoisting ceremonies, symbolising the pursuit of freedom that Netaji passionately advocated. Processions, cultural programs, and educational seminars honour his contributions, providing an opportunity for reflection and inspiration. Citizens actively engage in celebrating his legacy through discussions, artistic expressions, and community service, making it a day of collective reverence for one of India’s greatest leaders.

    Q. What is the Parakram Diwas meaning in English?

    Ans. It literally translates to “Day of Valor” in English. Celebrated on 23 January, Parakram Diwas marks the birthday of freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.


    Parakram Diwas, meaning Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti, is celebrated on the birth anniversary of the great freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Observed across the country every year on 23 Jan, Parakram Diwas is celebrated in many ways. Children celebrate it in school, flag-hoisting ceremonies are carried out, and cultural programs are also held. As we celebrate this day every year, it becomes a living testament to the indomitable spirit of a leader who continues to inspire generations.

    This day beckons us to reflect on how Netaji’s ideals of courage and freedom can find resonance in our daily lives, shaping a brighter and more inclusive future for the generations to come. Additionally, acknowledging the need for collective action in the present, various initiatives align with the spirit of Parakram Diwas. Ketto, a crowdfunding platform’s Social Impact Plan (SIP), allows supporters to donate as little as Rs 100 a month and support a child’s education. By helping send a child to school, you can give them a brighter future and allow them to pursue their dreams. With your support, they can study and become a doctor, scientist, engineer or a prominent political figure like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

    We wish you a Happy Parakram Diwas!

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