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Pet Fundraising: 4 Ways We Can Make A Difference to Our Furry Friends

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    Pet Fundraising

    If you spend more than 10 minutes on social media every day, you may see at least two friends sharing pictures with their pets. A late-night stroll through your residential area will have you cross paths with individuals going around feeding strays. Be it parenting a pet or turning vegan to preserve animal rights; humans are becoming more compassionate towards animals. 

    If you are a pet parent or feel strongly for animal welfare, then you will know that it takes money and effort. Whether it is to get your dog’s emergency surgery done or raise funds for your local animal shelter, actively raising funds for animals or pet fundraising has become a common practice.

    For anyone interested in raising funds for animals, here are some ideas:


    When multiple people donate whatever they can towards a common cause, it is called crowdfunding. Crowdfunding for pets has become a popular medium to raise money for reasons such as building animal shelters, feeding strays each day, providing medical care to injured animals, and much more. A crowdfunding campaign is hosted on an online crowdfunding platform such as Ketto.

    It’s not just the stray dogs and cats who benefit from an online crowdfunding campaign; you can raise funds to help other species. You can raise money to save the Olive Ridley Turtles in Odisha or save the dolphins from exploitation in some amusement park. There is no limit to the difference a crowdfunding campaign can make in the lives of these beautiful creatures that live around us. 

    All you have to do is start a crowdfunding campaign by identifying a monetary goal, write a story about the cause, include pictures, statistics highlighting the condition of the animals you want to help, talk about how the money from the fundraiser will help, and publish the campaign. 

    Sell t-shirts

    Not just any t-shirts. We are talking about designing cool, witty, fun t-shirts that you can quickly sell online and offline. Put on your creative hats, get along with your friends from marketing and media, to write funny or profound one-liners about pets that will look good on a t-shirt. For example, if you are raising funds for your dog’s surgery, you can design t-shirts that say, “be the person your dog thinks you are” or something similar.

    The point is, people love these kinds of t-shirts, and you can quickly sell them. The money

    from the sales can go towards paying for your pet’s treatment.

    Design an animal calendar

    Firemen calendars, cheerleader calendars, Christmas calendars are a passe. How about creating a cute-looking animal calendar packed with pictures of smiling animals? Or maybe a calendar with happy images of animals from the local shelter? Get your friend with the fancy camera to do a photoshoot of the animals at the local shelter, or get all the pets you know together for a fun, furry photoshoot.

    You can design these positivity-spreading calendars and sell them to raise funds for your pet or other animals. To make it useful, you can include fun facts and information on ‘how to care for a pet’ in the calendar.  

    A bake sale

    “Who’s a good boy” can be the name of your special bake sale to raise money for your doggo. Everyone likes to treat their pets with special homemade treats. So, why not bake some of these in unique shapes and flavours and sell them to raise funds? You can market your products on your social media, reach out to pet forums, and comment on celebrity posts that talk about animals. This way, your delectable pet food can get the exposure it needs to raise the funds you want. 

    You can also complement this bake sale with a crowdfunding campaign. Share a link to your crowdfunding page along with every invoice for any sold goodies. 

    If you or anyone you know needs to raise funds for their pet or any animal-related cause, remember that there are people in the world just waiting to help you. So, chin up and start your fundraising soon to help your furry friends and make the world a little more compassionate.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment