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How Social Media Has Transformed Online Fundraising

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    Role of Social Media in Online Fundraising

    Social media has opened up new avenues for faster and more efficient fundraising as networking and outreach have become easier. The days of handing out printed pamphlets in public places are long gone. A single post on Facebook or Instagram can generate interest in your fundraiser.

    While you have access to hundreds of thousands of people, persuading them to pay attention to your cause in these times of ever-shrinking attention spans isn’t easy! Knowing the fundamentals and taking a strategic approach will assist you in meeting your fundraising objectives. Nowadays, it’s safe to say that most of us spend a significant amount of time on social media.

    We use social media to communicate with friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and acquaintances. However, besides those personal connections, we are engaging with posts, pages, pictures, tweets, pins, and other content from brands and causes that we support. Since we utilize web-based media to associate with individuals and things that matter 24 hours per day, it’s expected that internet gathering pledges would endure too.

    What is Online Crowdfunding/Online Fundraising?

    If you’re wondering, “What is crowdfunding?” or “What are the benefits of crowdfunding?” then keep reading for expert advice on how to raise funds.

    Crowdfunding uses the power of social networks and the internet to enable people to raise funds, assist others in overcoming adversity, and achieve aspirational goals. The central tenet of the crowdfunding definition is that you can help a friend or an entire community. You can pay for surgeries, fulfil a student’s dream of attending college, and so much more.

    Here are a 6 basic ways that campaigners can make the most of social media

    1. Select a Relevant Platform

    Consider which platform can help you gather a dynamic target audience before delving into social media behemoths like Facebook and Instagram. A well-thought-out strategy will be useless if you are unable to reach your target audience. Investigate different crowdfunding niches based on your cause. This will eventually attract more attention to you. You can then carry out your campaign strategy to target specific groups.

    2. Tell Your Story in a Way That Will Satisfy Your Target Audience

    The goal of your fundraiser story is to persuade donors to support your cause wholeheartedly. Your story is the fundraiser’s voice. Define the key elements of your story and respond to any pertinent questions about your fundraiser. Set a theme for your story and build up to a point of tension to highlight the importance of your cause. Finish with a solid call to action.

    3. Showcase Your Achievements

    While developing your campaign strategy, establish a few benchmarks. As you cross them off your list, proudly display them on your social media handle. It is critical to show your donors your fundraiser’s progress and milestones. Inform them of how they have aided in improving the patient’s health through updated reports and tests. This will benefit potential donors and increase their willingness to contribute to your cause.

    4. Donor Appreciation

    Thank your donors loudly and clearly! Thank them for their generosity and assistance in bringing about a positive change for your cause. Repost and reshare posts from their personal handles and accounts on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Tag them to invite them to share in your small victories. When it comes to conversing and connecting with these donors, this will go a long way.  To gain maximum traction for a successful fundraiser, incorporate these fundamentals into your social media strategies.

    5. Boosts Your Exposure

    Even if recent (and ongoing) algorithm changes on Facebook and Instagram have put businesses and nonprofits at a disadvantage, this does not mean you are at risk of being hidden from your donors. The opposite is true; all you have to do is work for it.

    6. Increases Referrals

    Online fundraising through social media helps your organization raise money and awareness through organic, referral-based growth. These referrals, in particular, are more easily obtained via social media. It is relatively simple for one of your supporters to share the campaign online, potentially resulting in a chain reaction of new people learning about your cause, donating, and sharing the campaign with their networks.


    Remember that social media communication is a two-way street. As much as possible, respond to anyone who uses your campaign hashtag and try to inject some levity into the conversation. Social media, when used correctly, can help charities reach far larger audiences while promoting their causes and building long-term relationships with donors. Furthermore, it provides fundraising professionals with invaluable data on the effectiveness of their efforts and how to improve in the future. is the most popular and trusted crowdfunding platform in Southeast Asia. Varun Sheth, Zaheer Adenwala, and actor Kunal Kapoor co-founded the company intending to bridge the affordability gap. allows people to raise money for health and medical emergencies, natural disasters, education, short-term emergency needs, animal welfare, women empowerment, and many other causes.

    Sushant Peshkar
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