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BITOSA Global Fundraiser: Help Alumni, Students, Staff, and Their Families Fight Covid

    BITOSA Global Fundraiser

    BITOSA Global Fundraiser is helping families and individuals with financial support. In partnership with Ketto, they have helped many families fight COVID- 19.

    Ketto is a popular online crowdfunding platform that works for the welfare of people around the world.

    This global fundraiser is a step to save lives and show humanity by helping the needy.

    What is Ketto?

    Ketto is an online crowdfunding platform that seeks to help people in need. Ketto has also been raising funds to fight natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, and drought across the country.

    Also, these fundraisers are supporting victims of severe diseases and acute infections in the country.

    Ketto fundraising was established by its co-founders Varun Seth, Zaheer Adenwala, and Kunal Kapoor. The primary objectives are:

    • Ketto works day and night to make people believe in humanity.
    • Ketto partners with many NGOs and other individuals, working for the benefit of society.

    How does the BITOSA Global Fundraiser help people fight COVID-19?

    This fundraiser aims to help people fight COVID-19 in these challenging times by supporting them financially. 

    The first fundraiser is to help a young working professional by providing medical assistance. The family hails from rural Bihar. The patient was admitted to a rural hospital. He was diagnosed with black fungus. The organization is trying its best to save his life by providing proper care and expenditure for treatment.

    The ongoing crowdfunding, donations, and fundraisers helped the patient get admitted to AIIMS Patna. The organization is trying everything to save the eyesight of the patient and to help him recover as quickly as possible.

    The patient’s son thanked everyone for their help. These gestures rekindle hope in humanity and show how love and compassion can lead to miracles.

    In another case, the organization helped the family of a young professor working at BIT Mesra. In adverse conditions, the donations helped the family fight COVID-19 and get back together. The family is overwhelmed by the support. 

    Ketto has managed to help individuals and families across the country in their fight against COVID-19 by providing oxygen cylinders, masks, medicines, and other kinds of medical assistance.

    Ketto is trying to help families living in the remotest areas. There is a clear lack of information in these areas and a grave scarcity of COVID-19 resources.

    Ketto’s goal is to provide a multi-focused approach to fight against COVID-19. From oximeters, oxygen cylinders, thermometers, masks, tablets, availability of beds to doctors, Ketto is trying to provide everything to save lives.

    How can you contribute to a better tomorrow?

    The power of crowdfunding is amazing. Your small contributions can work wonders and help a large number of people fight difficult situations. 

    We are aiming at a fundraiser of Rs. 2 crore for this project. As of now, the fundraiser has successfully accumulated an amount of Rs. 59,05,175. Donate more and help those who are in need.


    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment