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Charitable Ways Kids Can Give Back on Their Birthday

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    Birthdays are the most enjoyable days for kids. We organise get-togethers and parties with family and friends to celebrate the occasion. In addition, there are refreshments, entertainment programmes, and many other arrangements to make a child feel happy and special on their birthdays.  Below are birthday donation ideas for underprivileged children, often deprived of such memorable moments! 

    Many children don’t even have a concrete residence to celebrate birthdays. They may have already lost their parents and may miss celebrating their birthdays with them. Or sometimes some children are ill and hospitalised. 

    Such thoughts are heart-wrenching, and we cannot imagine such situations. 

    But, before planning a huge and lavish birthday party for your child, you must think about such deprived children who cannot get such opportunities. If you want your kids to be the best kind of humans, it is good to teach them about less privileged children and how to help them. 

    The best way to assist such people is by donating on their birthdays. So, you can include some birthday donation ideas in your celebrations, even making it an annual habit. It will undoubtedly create good memories for your child and make them more empathetic to their fellow humans.  

    Your small contribution can help a child find some happy moments. So, read on to learn more about such ideas.    

    Birthday Donation Ideas for Your Kid’s Birthday: 

    Kids are like a mould, and whatever you teach them in their childhood is imbibed in them forever, so try to imbibe such donation ideas. 

    • You can volunteer a birthday party for some homeless children.

    As a privileged person, you can celebrate your kid’s birthday at your residence, but what about those who do not have a house? 

    So, this would be the best birthday donation idea when you can visit children who don’t have homes and throw a birthday party for them. 

    This party would excite them and make your child’s birthday more exciting. You can also provide some snacks and games to them which they would enjoy. You can make it a tradition of visiting such children on your birthdays and give them some happiness. 

    Such ideas teach your child sharing and caring. These values allow them to give back to society.  

    • You can donate some presents to children.

    If your kid is having a birthday, they will receive gifts from their friends and family members. What about those children who do not have loved ones to provide gifts to them? 

    Even if they have loved ones, they may not afford expensive presents. 

    So, you can donate gifts to such children on your child’s birthday. Such an act will indeed make you and them happy, as they would be thrilled to receive gifts.  

    • Use some crafty ideas for birthdays. 

    Greeting cards are a great way to bring smiles to someone’s face. 

    On your child’s birthday, you can collaborate with them, friends, and family to craft some creative greeting cards. Then take these greeting cards to a children’s ward in a hospital and celebrate your child’s birthday with those admitted kids. 

    This card initiative would be the best way to help a child overcome their miseries in the hospital. It would symbolise love and affection for those children who have missed the joys of a normal childhood due to their extended stay in hospitals.  

    • Give away your extra decorations. 

    As a parent, you want to make your child’s birthday the best moment. So, you pile up with many things like balloons, snacks, return gifts, wrappers, greeting cards, and other items. But sometimes, not all of them are useful. 

    Therefore, instead of throwing them out or keeping them in your storage to gather dust, you can donate such items to needy children. 

    Some children have never enjoyed birthday goodies; you can donate such things to them. They will use your products in place of wasting them. Kids can learn to give back through such initiatives.  

    • Raise funds.

    Suppose your kid is having a birthday upcoming. In that case, you can plan to donate to a particular cause. For example, sponsor an underprivileged child’s education. You can also help with someone’s treatment. 

    For this birthday donation idea, you can raise funds through crowdfunding websites like Ketto that help people raise funds for a needy person. You can use such a website and donate the raised fund for a particular task of the campaign. 

    Moreover, you can make it a tradition to donate or raise funds for a significant cause and help someone every year.  

    • Provide some party kits for deprived children. 

    You can make it a tradition to pack a party kit consisting of all the required articles for a birthday party every year. It will have some decoration items, snacks, and beautiful and well-designed clothes for some kids around you who are in need. It will delight them. 

    Make sure to supply such kits to them every year on your kid’s birthdays.  

    • Have a cooking party. 

    If you love cooking and can make delicious food, you can throw a party for underprivileged children with various dishes. 

    In such an initiative, you can ask your dear ones to donate some amount, as the food drive is for a particular cause. This practice would lead to a new way for birthday donation ideas and help have a theme-based party for your kid. 

    Your child will learn an essential lesson for giving back to society when you have more privileges than others. Such ideas are important for a human being.  

    • Keep a donation raising box. 

    If your kid is interested in crafty and creative works, you can have a brilliant birthday donation idea

    You can ask your kid to design a funny and interesting donation box. Keep this box at the entrance to the party venue with a message indicating that the money collected will be donated to people in need. 

    The idea will bring out the creativity in your child and give them immense happiness to play a role in helping others. 

    • Build the vital spirit of giving back to society.

    Many children have the habit of diving into the mounds or heaps of birthday gifts from their loved ones. But, they must realise that many children are not as lucky as them. 

    You can plan a party by spreading a message among your guests that no one will bring gifts; instead, they can donate money to them and from which half of the money will go for some needy children. 

    This approach will teach the ideas of sharing and make your child aware of other such children who need your help. 

    • Animal lovers can donate to animal shelters. 

    If your kid is an animal lover, you can make their birthday special by visiting an animal shelter and providing donations for their upkeep and upliftment. Many animals need proper treatment, but NGOs lack funding for tending to their needs. 

    You can make your child contribute to such a deed, which can save an animal’s life. This best birthday donation idea will save an animal’s life and help animal shelters provide better facilities. 

    • Book lovers can donate books.

    This idea is the best thing if your child is a book lover. You can throw a party where the guests must bring the old books they don’t refer to anymore. Collect such books and later donate them to the needy children who do not have access to these books. You can also give them to libraries. 

    • Help the soldiers. 

    You can also contribute to the society who are your warriors. At your kid’s birthday party, you can ask your guests to have small donations for those soldiers who safeguard our country day and night. 

    You can connect with crowdfunding websites like Ketto and raise funds for soldiers or those families who have lost their loved ones in the line of duty. This idea will teach your child to respect the armed forces.  

    Final Thoughts

    So, these are the best birthday donation ideas that you can use and contribute to society in some or the other way. These ideas will make your kid a good human being and learn some humanitarian values with practical experience. 

    Thus, try these ideas if you find any child deprived of their rights. If you want to have crowdfunding, you can visit the Ketto platform, which will help you gain more advantages about raising funds for needy people.

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