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International Day of Persons With Disabilities – Lets Extend our Support with Ketto

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    International Day of Persons With Disabilities

    The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, observed on December 3rd, is a United Nations-sponsored international observance that has been in place since 1992. It has been seen with varying degrees of success all over the world. The day’s goal is to raise awareness of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights, and well-being of people with disabilities.

    Its mission is to promote the well-being and rights of disabled people in all aspects of societal development, as well as to raise awareness of their situation in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life. It also aims to raise awareness about the benefits of including people with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life. Until 2007, it was known as the “International Day of Disabled Persons.” Each year, a different issue is highlighted on this day.

    Disability is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a global public health issue, a human rights issue, and a development priority. The World Health Organization defines disability as “an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions that denote the negative aspects of an individual’s interaction with their contextual (environmental and personal) factors.” “Disability is more than just a biological or social condition.” (World Health Organization Global Disability Action Plan 2014–2021.)

    People with disabilities, dubbed “the world’s largest minority,” have poorer health, lower educational attainment, fewer economic opportunities, and higher poverty rates than their non-disabled counterparts. This is primarily due to a lack of services (such as information and communications technology (ICT), justice, and transportation) and the numerous challenges they face on a daily basis. These impediments can take many different forms, including those caused by the physical environment, legislation or policy, and societal attitudes or discrimination.

    The United Nations General Assembly declared 1981 to be the International Year of Disabled People in 1976. It urged the development of a national, regional, and international action plan centred on equalizing opportunities, rehabilitation, and disability prevention.

    The theme of the International Year of Disabled Persons was “Full Participation and Equality,” which is defined as people with disabilities right to fully participate in the life and development of their societies, to live in living conditions equal to those of other citizens, and to share equally in the benefits of socio-economic development.

    The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted in 2006, has advanced the rights and well-being of people with disabilities in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other international development frameworks, such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, and the Sendai Framework for Integrated Development.

    Why is it celebrated?

    People with disabilities must be included if human rights, sustainable development, peace, and security are to be maintained. It is also central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’s promise to leave no one behind. Committing to the realisation of the rights of people with disabilities is more than just a matter of justice; it is an investment in our common future.

    The global crisis caused by COVID-19 exacerbates pre-existing inequalities, exposes the extent of exclusion, and emphasises the importance of disability inclusion work. People with disabilities, who number one billion, are one of our society’s most marginalised groups, and the crisis has disproportionately affected them.

    Even under normal circumstances, people with disabilities are less likely to have access to health care, education, employment, and community participation. To ensure that people with disabilities are not left behind, an integrated approach is required.

    The inclusion of people with disabilities will result in a COVID-19 response and recovery that better serves everyone, suppressing the virus more completely and effectively rebuilding. It will allow for more agile systems to respond to complex situations and quickly reach those who are the most behind.

    The United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy establishes the foundation for long-term, transformative disability inclusion progress across all pillars of UN work. The United Nations system reaffirms through the strategy that the full and complete realisation of all human rights of people with disabilities is an inalienable, integral, and indivisible part of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

    In recognition of this commitment, the Secretary-General submitted the first comprehensive report on the UN system’s efforts since the strategy’s inception in October 2020 to mainstream disability inclusion and implement the strategy.

    India and its efforts for persons with disabilities

    • The Government of India’s Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE) has enacted a number of acts/legislations and rules/regulations to assist people with disabilities (PwD). According to MoSJE, GOI guidelines, the minimum degree of disability for an individual to be eligible for any concessions or benefits is 40%.

    • The Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan) is a national flagship campaign aimed at achieving universal accessibility, allowing people with disabilities equal opportunity, independence, and full participation in all aspects of life in an inclusive society.

    • The Government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has also developed a number of health programmes to prevent and control diseases such as blindness, polio, leprosy, tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis, mental health (which results in disability), mother and child health, and so on.


    Ketto can assist disabled people to get their crowdfunding campaigns to the maximum amount of people out there. Ketto is an Indian crowdfunding platform that allows people from all over the country to raise funds for a wide range of causes, from medical care to disaster relief. Individuals, businesses can use crowdfunding and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to achieve personal goals, pay medical bills, make a film, or support their favourite local sports team or gymkhana.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

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