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Ketto Celebrates – Universal health Coverage Day on 12th December

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    Universal Health Coverage Day

    On December 12th every year, the world celebrates Universal Health Coverage Day. Despite this, many individuals throughout the world lack health coverage. This article shall elucidate efforts to remedy that.

    Universal Health Coverage Day 

    WHO celebrates Universal Health Coverage Day on December 12th each year. December 12th marks the anniversary of the first unanimous United Nations resolution. The UN resolution urged all nations to provide affordable, high-quality health care to their citizens.

    UHC is promoted as a tool for advancing the broader concept of the human right to health, based on many international treaties or widely accepted international documents.

    What does UHC mean?

    Universal healthcare refers to a healthcare system that provides medical services to all citizens of any region or nation. It is also known as universal health coverage, universal coverage, or universal care. Its goal is to improve health outcomes. This is done by making health services accessible to all residents. Not just those who can’t afford them on their own.

    UHC does not ensure every case and all individuals will be covered; this means, everyone, regardless of financial means, has access to healthcare whenever and wherever it is required. Some countries have government-funded universal healthcare, while others need all citizens to purchase private health insurance. What services are covered.

    UHC is a situation in which citizens access health care without paying high prices. Universal health coverage is the “single most powerful concept that public health has to offer. According to WHO’s Director-General it unifies services and delivers them in a comprehensive and integrated manner. The objective of UHC is to ensure everyone gets an equal chance to achieve optimal health.

    The majority of countries have used a hybrid funding model to achieve universal health coverage. General taxation revenue is the primary source of funding. Supplemented in many countries by specific charges (imposed on individuals or businesses) or the option of private payments (via direct or optional insurance) for services not covered by the public system. The European Union backs almost every European system.

    Why celebrate it?

    According to a significant WHO and UNICEF survey conducted in 2015, 38% of healthcare facilities surveyed lacked access to a fundamental water source. Moreover, 35% lacked the materials required for people to wash their hands effectively. Until healthcare workers cannot keep facilities clean and prevent infections, their ability to provide safe, effective and dignified care suffers.

    Universal health coverage (UHC) ensures that everyone everywhere has access to high-quality, low-cost health care. Every year on December 12th, advocates worldwide join forces to demand robust and equitable healthcare systems that leave no one behind. The case for universal health coverage is unmistakable, with millions of people dying due to a global pandemic.

    For global healthcare systems, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a constant source of concern. We’ve seen time and again that progress on all of the SDGs is dependent on good health, from gender equality to education to poverty alleviation. The case for universal health care is as strong as it has ever been.

    You can join UHC Day 2021 wherever you are in the world to demand change and encourage leaders to invest in solid and equitable systems that do not leave anyone’s health behind. UHC is critical for effective COVID-19 pandemic response and fair global recovery, allowing us to all recover faster.

    What’s has the UHC achieved?

    One of the United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030 is universal health coverage. Many countries provide only the most basic, all-inclusive healthcare, with no heroic interventions or long-term care. Various nations’ national infrastructures, according to WaterAid, are incapable of supporting first-world healthcare delivery mechanisms because they lack even potable water, let alone electricity.

    During the 12th Plan period, India’s commitment to providing Universal Health Coverage to all citizens (2012-2017). While financial security was the initiative’s primary goal. It was recognised that providing UHC also necessitated the availability of adequate healthcare infrastructure. A skilled health workforce, and access to affordable drugs and technologies. With the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat Programme in 2018, India took a giant step toward making healthcare more accessible and affordable to the general public.


    The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched the Ayushman Bharat Programme. The Ayushman Bharat Programme ensures a more robust response to achieving UHC.

    The Ayushman Bharat Programme’s two major activities are:

    • Conversion of nearly 1.5 lakh sub-centres and primary health care centres into Health & Wellness Centres. It will for the delivery of comprehensive direct health care services and the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY). This posits itself for helping ten crore families that are in need for financial support and approximately 50 crore beneficiaries with health insurance coverage upwards of Rs 5 lakhs for every family per annum for secondary education.

    Ketto is an Indian crowdfunding platform that allows people from all over the country to raise funds for various causes, from medical care to disaster relief. Individuals, businesses can use crowdfunding and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to achieve personal goals, pay medical bills, make a film, or support their favourite local sports team or gymkhana.

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