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Medical crowdfunding: A little donation can go a long way to cover medical expenses

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    Start an SIP to Make Healthcare Accessible to Childrens

    When 3-year-old Hazik was diagnosed with blood cancer, his parents were not only nervous about their son’s health but also how they would cover medical expenses for his treatment.

    They borrowed money from friends and family, sold their precious articles and used all their life savings. However, none of it was enough. Then, they came across Ketto through a friend. 

    “Hundreds of people donating to save my little boy was overwhelming,” said Hazik’s mother. 

    With the collected funds, Hazik was able to undergo multiple cycles of chemotherapy and he successfully beat cancer! 

    A child crying is the mothers arms. Ketto Success story for B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

    This was made possible by the power of crowdfunding- it enabled a labourer, who works day and night for little money, to save his 3-year-old child from cancer.

    Initially, in order to pay their medical expenses, people used to opt for medical financing. In times of immediate need, medical financing was the only way to bridge the gap when it came to medical procedures a patient couldn’t afford.

    With the changing times, crowdfunding has become a much more viable option than medical financing or traditional sources of funding such as loans or even borrowing money from family and friends. 

    A healthcare financing program provides patients with credit to cover medical expenses when they cannot afford out-of-pocket costs. Crowdfunding, however, does not require the person to borrow money or return any money with interest. 

    A graphical representation of various countries public spending.

    In India, families cover more than half of healthcare costs, with 60% of rural and 40% of urban households relying on loans, selling assets, or asking for help from friends and family to cover hospitalization expenses.

    Data like this reminds me of one thing: health is priceless and illness can be very expensive.

    A young Indian boy peeping from behind a wooden door. Besides him written in bold letters, a call to action for monthly giving that states, "WHEN YOU GIVE HE LIVES LONGER".

    To ensure healthcare for all, Ketto has taken several steps, like Ketto’s Social Impact Plan

    This monthly giving initiative aims to provide many underprivileged kids with proper medical care. 

    In addition, SIP makes it possible for the donor to create an emergency fund themselves. This makes them eligible to receive all of the money donated in the event of a medical emergency. 

    Contributing monthly not only helps those in need but also helps you cover medical expenses. Read this blog to know, What Makes SIP from Ketto the Most Affordable Fundraising Option?

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment