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What Makes SIP from Ketto the Most Affordable Fundraising Option?

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    SIP - Ketto

    The art of giving is what makes a difference in this entire society. According to the India Giving Report 2020, 8 out of 10 charities have positively impacted India. Many people depend on such charities for their life-fighting circumstances.

    With high-income disparities, the need to help the poor and down-trodden people who could not help themselves is one of our community’s biggest needs. Therefore, to help those in need, Ketto started the Social Impact Plan initiative.

    About Ketto

    With 0 per cent platform fees, Ketto assists in easy crowdfunding for providing medical care to those who can’t afford it. The best part of Ketto is the transparency and cost-effectiveness that it offers. On a mission to share happiness and provide everyone access to healthcare since its inception, Ketto believes in giving back to society.

    SIP from Ketto

    The world around us is suffering, and vulnerable people, especially children, are the ones who remain helpless. Losing a child due to unaffordable treatment is something that results in parents despising themselves for life.

    Therefore, with the mission to make healthcare a beautiful reality for everyone, the Social Impact Plan by Ketto is a monthly plan that aims to provide urgent medical care and provides subscriptions. The subscription amount is at your discretion. Some common categories are 100, 500, and 1500 per month, but you could customize your plan according to your will. This SIP from Ketto is completely verified and secured to protect your interests and information. Transparency and cost-affordability are the essence of the Social Impact Plan which makes the plan suitable for everyone. Probably that’s why the SIP by Ketto has been appreciated widely by many famous personalities.

    The fundraisers are extremely effective in helping individuals who could not afford the expensive treatment themselves. Social Impact Plan has, to date, been able to provide funding to 540 life-changing treatments; over 670 children have been saved through 25 million+ funds raised by 32,114 generous donors.

    How does Social Impact Plan work?

    If God has made you blessed enough to help those in need, the most fundamental contribution you can make is to give something back to the community that has supported you over the years. Therefore, to ensure that your contribution reaches directly those in need, the Social Impact Plan works in a three-step process:

    1. Initially, your donation would be matched with those who require urgent life-saving treatment and require your help.
    2. Ketto ensures that your entire donation reaches the patients directly and securely every month.
    3. The final step is the most beautiful and provides you with true contentment. You will receive monthly updates and how you have impacted somebody’s life by saving it.

    Donations in Social Impact Plan

    The most common question everyone thinks about is how their donations are utilized. All the donations made in the Social Impact Plan are provided to the ongoing campaigns in dire need of money.

    The fundraisers which are running are “Ketto ensured” by following a strict, rigorous, and vigilant three-step policy to ensure the protection of our donor’s trust:

    1. Initially, the concerned person submits their legal identity proof documents.
    2. The medical documents of the patient are submitted.
    3. Each case is precisely and thoroughly verified with the concerned hospital’s team to ensure authenticity.

    Only after a specific fundraiser has passed all three stages of this verification are they granted the status of Ketto-ensured and listed on the website.

    How can you help?

    To fulfill Ketto’s aim of changing the world for the better, collective efforts from the entire society are required.

    You can choose which amount you wish to subscribe to in our Social Impact Plan to help the people in need. These payments are secured with 128-bit encryption, and Ketto protects your entire information and donations. If you wish, you could even donate anonymously.

    Ketto offers secure-server software which would protect your entire personal data. You can even turn off your Social Impact Plan at any given point in time.

    A small donation from your side could be used to create a huge difference in the world. Therefore, every minute detail is considered while planning and executing this SIP. At Ketto, we know that even the smallest of donations could be helpful in saving the lives of the needy.

    Updates about Donations

    In order to maintain transparency, Ketto ensures that you receive combined monthly updates via email and WhatsApp, with constant updates about the utilization of your funds.

    You hold the potential of saving many lives! It is something that would provide you with true bliss. If you are truly happy, only then will you be able to make people around you happy.

    So, if you wish to create a difference, subscribe to the Social Impact Plan by Ketto and experience happiness at your doorstep in a true sense! Be the change and help those who need you with the vision of “Healthcare for All.”

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment