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SIP from Ketto – An Innovative and Affordable Way to Raise Funds

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    SIP - An Innovative Way to Raise Funds

    In this growing world, there are still millions of people who don’t have access to healthcare facilities and are way behind due to the economical condition. Access to healthcare facilities has been a major challenge and reason for numerous deaths across the country.

    Every 2 minutes, a child dies because they can’t afford medical aid. With the Social Impact Plan, we are on a mission to make healthcare a reality for everyone, no matter who you are.

    The Social Impact Plan by Ketto has worked wonders for us and is helping us bring impactful changes in many lives for a long time. We strive to educate and involve more people so that everyone from different walks of life can have access to the healthcare system.

    The Social Impact Plan has proved to be the most innovative and affordable way to raise funds for us, but it also has worked the other way round. Donors get to know the monthly updates, where their money is being used, what cause they have donated for, and what is the impact they have created.

    Here are a few reasons that will make you wish to join us:

    It’s Affordable

    Donation is a cause, no matter big or small. No matter what you give, every donation makes an impact and delivers a sense of inner satisfaction.

    It’s a Community

    Be part of an inspiring group, changing lives every month. We may think we alone may not have the impact required, but together we can do more. It is a space with people of similar interests and thoughts for a noble cause.

    It’s Transparent

    Having a win-win situation as you know where your donation is being used and for what purpose. It provides a sense of reimbursement to an imaginable level. You will not be left with a question mark on where all your money is spent, as you receive regular updates on your donations.

    It’s an Investment

    You can always set fundraisers when you are in need. Thus it is not just about giving donations but also getting it when needed. It works both ways. Your contributions will fund your medical emergencies. You will never have the feeling of not getting the returns in times of need.

    With a number as large as 31,924 monthly donors, we have a strong community. We have saved 670+ children so far, and with our mission, we believe this will be much more in upcoming times.

    As treatments are needed more or less, we strive to collect sufficient donations and make them reach the needy. We are proud to inform you that we have raised 25+ million for patients to date. The sheer dedication and hard work of the team for the cause resulted in funding 540 life-changing treatments.

    As we are working towards letting the healthcare system reach everyone, these numbers motivate us to work and provide us the hope and strength to do better each day. So far, we have made a big impact and are continuously working hard to make it even bigger.

    You can JOIN US too:

    Guiding you through the simple steps of the approach in enlightening lives:

    Automatic Monthly Donations:

    Your donation will automatically match the patient in need of urgent treatment. You can donate directly to a mentioned cause. 

    100% donations go to patients:

    We make sure that each donation reaches the patient timely and securely, resulting in flawless treatment. There is no third party that charges commission between the donor and the patient, making it transparent and completely absorbable for both parties.

    Receive monthly updates:

    Whether you have donated for a particular fundraiser or not, you will have all the updates on the cause it is being used. Even if it is used in one go or smaller sections, you will know it all.

    If you wish to create an impact in the society, you can visit us at Ketto and take a step ahead.

    Sushant Peshkar
    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment