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How to Promote Crowdfunding Campaign on Instagram?

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    Instagram Marketing

    How Can You Start a Crowdfunding Campaign?

    A crowdfunding campaign is an excellent way to raise money for various causes with the help of donations from a large number of people. If you want to begin a fundraiser, you can try the platform of Ketto, which helps you start fundraisers for different causes like medical issues, entrepreneur projects, education, children welfare, and animal care. You can begin a campaign quickly and free of cost on this platform.

    Ketto provides constant assistance from fundraiser managers who are in touch with you through email, call, WhatsApp, and text messages. Ketto accepts currency from almost everywhere across the globe, and you can pay through UPI, net banking, online wallets, and any card. You get real-time updates about the progress of the fundraiser. The best part is that you can withdraw your funds at any given time during the campaign.

    How Can You Attract More People to Fund Your Crowdfunding Campaign?

    For any crowdfunding campaign to gain money, the company or charity holding it needs to attract people. Social media is one such tool that can help you gain attention from people interested in helping with your campaign.

    With the growing popularity of Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, you may consider using them. But out of these, Instagram is one that probably has the most features and users. Do you want to know all about Instagram?

    Why Should You Use Instagram to Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign?

    Instagram has over one billion monthly users, making it one of the world’s largest social media platforms. If you want to promote your crowdfunding campaign, it is an excellent medium to do so. You can gain the reach that you may have been looking for for the longest time.

    The application has many features that will allow you to promote your campaign successfully. But because the platform is one of the biggest ones, you need to make sure that your content stands out to attract more people. Here is how you can make that happen.

    There are many ways in which you can promote your campaign. But how do you use Instagram efficiently to promote your campaign? Let us discuss this below.

    How to Use Instagram for a Crowdfunding Campaign?

    1. Use Hashtags

    Hashtags can help people discover your content more. They are phrases or words which have the hash symbol (#) as a prefix. They help other users interested in a specific type of content to find posts that adhere to their interests. Instagram is a massive platform, so you must be careful to use hashtags relevant to your crowdfunding campaign. 

    You can use popular hashtags and combine them with custom ones to use them effectively. Custom hashtags can help start a conversation and also help track engagement. They link people directly to your campaign and help grow your company’s identity. They can also help you use user-generated content that adds a human element to your brand. 

    2. Use Posts Strategically

    It can be a good idea to try to use various types of posts on your Instagram page. After all, similar content has a high possibility of boring your audience. You can keep it interesting by posting both videos and pictures. You can use different types of content from your company, like pictures of your team, various processes of your campaign, and your products. 

    It helps people know your campaign better. You can also look into the hours that ensure most engagement. It will allow more people to notice your posts and help you grow as well. Many applications can help you schedule posts on Instagram as well. They can make your job a little easier. 

    3. Be Regular With Your Instagram Stories

    Instagram stories can be pictures, posts from other accounts, or short videos that disappear after 24 hours. They are a good way of letting your audience get a glimpse of your company’s daily activities. They get to understand your crowdfunding campaign’s motives, and it can help them build a connection with you. 

    There are also several features that you can use to make your Instagram stories appealing. You can use GIFs, polls, different layouts, face filters, and hashtags. You can also share locations and also mention other profiles. They can help you gain engagement and help you build trust with your audience by humanizing your page. 

    4. Instagram Live and IGTV Can Help You

    Going live can help you have an open interaction with your audience. You can take up questions from your backers and answer them directly. You can also talk about upcoming plans and make announcements. You can go live with your backers as well. It allows you to interact with them and make them feel like they are a part of the process. 

    IGTV helps you create hour-long videos where you can talk about your crowdfunding campaign. There are many different ways to use this feature of Instagram. You can make regular videos of any upcoming announcements. You can also use it to create a series where you can share stories of your backers. It helps create a community and helps you share different stories that people can find relatable. 

    5. Interaction is Key

    When you post something on your page or put up stories, people can raise good questions. It can be a good idea to keep checking your comments and even replying to them. Some people may not be comfortable with showing their faces, but they may comment. It is an excellent way to make them feel like you are listening to their queries. 

    There are chances you may have to deal with negative comments as well. But you have to deal with them gracefully, and you have to keep in mind that every company has to deal with them. While checking your comments, you also must keep in mind that there will be many spam comments.

    Summing Up

    There are a lot of things you can do to make your page discoverable. The above was a list of features that are the most popular on Instagram. They can help you attract more people to fund your campaign.

    If your crowdfunding campaign does not use social media to promote, you should look into it! Using social media can open a door of opportunities for your campaign.

    Do you want to start your campaign? Ketto will help you with it! It is a platform that can help you start different types of crowdfunding campaigns instantly with a few details about you and the ones you will help with your funds.

    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment