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Every Question About Crowdfunding Answered

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    Everyb question about crowdfunding answered

    It’s flattering to think that online fundraising in India is a phenomenal alternative to the more traditional option for raising funds. But in reality, it is a tricky business if you don’t consider its rules/protocols carefully. However, we at Ketto have offered some valuable insights that could help evaluate your eagerness for launching a campaign. Are you curious to start a crowdfunding campaign? We bet you perhaps have a list of questions, and we are here to help you crack them by covering some of the most critical fundraising topics to curb your curiosity.

    This blog will cover four frequently asked questions about Crowdfunding sites and Online Fundraising in India.

    What is Online Fundraising? 

    Crowdfunding is a fundraising technique to pool in funds from individuals/groups, especially nonprofits, to fulfil social causes. Online fundraising is valuable because it involves campaigns to achieve their aims by obtaining several small donations from a massive group of contributors instead of seeking help from fewer significant donors. It utilizes social sharing and emails to reach potential contributors to give. Campaign creators get their networks quickly, but they can reach out to fresh supporters through social sharing support. The supporters can provide through an online donation portal that securely has credit card transactions. Also, you could share the page with the supporter’s networks to widen your business. Due to its flexibility, it’s one of the most effective ways to raise funds online. 

    Several people use crowdfunding campaigns to raise funds for:

    • Commercial and inspired ventures.
    • Medicinal expenses.
    • Marathons.
    • Nonprofits.
    • Mission trips.
    • Memorial services, and many more.

    Although it is vital to differentiate crowdfunding from peer-to-peer fundraising, peer-to-peer crowdfunding is a kind of fundraising whose mutual effort is involved for a particular nonprofit. They set up their fundraising pages and fundraise on the nonprofit’s behalf.

    Looking to start a nonprofit fundraising campaign. Here are 3 Key Tips for Starting A Nonprofit Fundraiser

    How does online fundraising work?

    Outlined are four steps on how fundraising works:

    • Setup a strong campaign: Starting a campaign is the first step you will take towards your crowdfunding firm. Pick a platform, create an account, and you’re ready to roll!  
    • Convey your story: One of the most vital steps is conveying your Fundraiser to the broader audience and being known among fellow competitors! Share your unique idea of your crowdfunding story and make sure to why you’re raising funds and how you prepare to spend it.
    • Share your fundraiser: The most vital aspect of any crowdfunding campaign is the sharing part. Unless you speak about your campaign and let people know, the donors will not donate. Spread the word on social media, emails, and even through word of mouth. 
    • Post regular updates and recognitions: Your contributors will want to know how your crowdfunding is going. Keep sending acknowledgements and updates regularly to your donors who have helped you raise funds.

    How should you promote your campaign?

    As fundraising relies on social sharing, it’s vital to your campaign’s accomplishment to ask for funds on social media platforms. Request for funds through social media allows you to notify your accessible networks and your new budding donors.

    Add the below elements before posting on social media.

    • Put convincing images: Videos/Images help attract donors to your site. To grab your contributor’s attention, you must post engaging and attractive images since you’ll be opposing every other post on their newsfeeds.
    • A crisp and brief description of your campaign: A short, brief description of your campaign can go a long way. Momentarily make your donors understand about your cause, and ask contributors to give.
    • Share a link to your crowdfunding campaign: Want your donors to reach your campaign easily to contribute funds? Make sure to link to your crowdfunding page. Don’t go overboard with promoting your campaign on social media platforms. Instead, try marketing your campaign via donation request emails and through traditional ways. You don’t always have to go the online route because your fundraising is online. You can easily ask people to give via emails, calls, or in person. Try to succeed by exhausting all techniques possible to raise funds for your cause. 

    Tips for Online fundraising in India?

    Online Fundraiser boosts the influence of social networks and the internet to offer individuals ways to raise funds for medical and social causes. 

    Following are a few tips you can get hold of to do online fundraising:

    Uploading attractive crowdfunding pictures: As the saying goes,…

    ‘The first impression is the last.’

    Always make sure that your photos aren’t blurred, dark, or grainy. You must take professional photos as your pictures resemble your brand image, and you don’t want your supporters to take you for granted.

    If you want to learn more about India’s crowdfunding sites or need answers to some vital questions on how to commence online fundraising in India?

    Call Ketto today for tips!


    Need Funds for Medical Treatment?

    Start a Fundraiser on Ketto and raise the amount for your treatment